

01月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用英文写EMAIL的格式是怎么样的]英文书信是一种最常用的应用文体,对于普通的私人信件通常由五部分组成: 1.信头:指发信人的地址和日期。写在信纸的右上角,可以从靠近信纸的中央写起。信头上面要留空白。先写发...+阅读

看你要形容什么了。 如果你要形容人很多的话,就是busy, eg: 1. 苏州有条禁令, 不准在这条热闹的街上停车。 Suzhou has a ban on parking cars in this busy street. 2. 是的。 一年的这个时候故宫总是非常热闹。 Yes, it can be very busy at this time of year. 如果你要形容气氛,lively。 eg: 1. As you might imagine, this is a very lively group. 正如你所能想象的,这是个非常活跃的团队。 2. Liquor was a kind of liquid food to him and made his mind lively. 酒对他而言是一种液体的食物并且可以使他的思维活泼。


英文发邮件的格式是什么原发布者:只是寒暄a HowtowriteanemailinEnglish?LOGOClarity,concisenessandbeingcorrectarethekeys清晰、简洁、无误,是写英文电邮的关键。一般,英文电子邮件包括以下4个部分...

哪些英文谚语常用All rivers run into sea 海纳百川。 All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马。 A bully is always a coward 色厉内荏。 A cat has 9 lives 猫有九条命。 A cat may look a...

求几句常用英文谚语谢!0. All is not gold that glitters. 闪光未必尽黄金。 1. Money is the root of evil. 金钱是罪恶的根源。 2. Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。 3. All things a...

常见的英文谚语有哪些励志英语谚语 Many a little makes a mickle. 积少便成多。 As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man. 试金之石可试金,正如黄金能试人。 Courage and resolution a...

推荐一篇英文对话Zoe: Why have you got your shades on? It's not that sunny outside. Helen: I know, but I've got a terrible headache and my eyes hurt in the light. Zoe: Do you li...

求巴西狂欢节英文简介Carnival is the most famous holiday in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions. Rhythm, participation, and costumes vary from one region of Brazil to...

幽默感很强的英文A bloke's back bike brake block broke. 一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。 A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. 大黑虫咬大黑熊,...

热闹。用英文怎么说热闹英文:jollification jollification 读法 英 [ˌdʒɒlɪfɪ'keɪʃən] 美 [ˌdʒɒləfə'keɪʃən] 作名词的意思是:欢乐,热闹 短语: 1、I liked Jollification 我爱热...

