

01月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[询问日期星期几的英文表达法]1. what's the time?现在是几点? it's ... o'clock (now). 现在是...点。 一般之用这个回答。 "now is...."是不标准的表达法,属于chinglish. 既中文式思维表达。 2.what the day...+阅读

普希金《假如生活欺骗了你》 “假如生活欺骗了你” (1825年) 假如生活欺骗了你, 不要忧郁,也不要愤慨! 不顺心时暂且克制自己, 相信吧,快乐之日就会到来。 我们的心儿憧憬着未来, 现今总是令人悲哀: 一切都是暂时的,转瞬既逝, 而那逝去的将变为可爱。 If by life you were deceived Don't be dismal,don't be wild In the day of grief,be mild Merry days will come believe Heart is living in tomorrow Present is dejected here In a moment,passes sorrow That which passes will be dear


英文租赁对话协商租赁条件 - 房地产英语情景对话系列 罗伯茨一家最终看中了鲁宾逊花园的房子。他们决定把它租下来。但是他们觉得租金太高了,还想把墙纸换一换。于是罗伯茨一家通过代理和...

租房场景要求是英文Renting An Apartment Heather: Hi, are you the apartment manager? I saw the vacancy sign outside and I'm looking for an apartment. Sam: Yes, I'm Sam. We have one...

英文对话一个:无预定顾客一人单间无空房换其他房型入住对应的英语: A: Hello, I'd like to have a single room for myself to stay for a night. B: Have you booked with us? A: Sorry, I haven't. B: Sorry, We don't have any...

英语短篇散文带翻译According to legend, a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he filled his leather c...

跪求短的英文散文或故事急啊这篇小故事,不难的,还有中文意思,可以看看:)~~ It was a cold winter day in 1919. A small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. He was very hungr...

急求短篇富有哲理性的英文散文或诗歌Let me not to pray to get shelter in danger But pray can fearless face them The pain that lets me not to pray for me can stop But beg my heart to conquer it. Le...

求一篇英语小散文However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault...

求一篇英文抒情散文。简单一点最好(一)Daylight dies away when the sun sets. It is snowing in great flakes. When I put out my hand from the window a piece of snowflake falls on the centre of my pal...

求短篇英文speech可以是介绍名人或介绍优美散文 100到150左Life Is What We Make Itby Edgar A. GuestLife is a jest;Take the delight of it.Laughter is best;Sing through the night of it.Swiftly the tearAnd the hurt and the...
