

01月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[翻译成英文 1在此我也提醒同学们要注意好个人卫生勤洗手2多]原文5题: 1在此我也提醒同学们,要注意好个人卫生,勤洗手 2多开窗,保持空气新鲜,保持室内卫生3多吃水果蔬菜,多喝水 4多锻炼身体 5还有就是尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方 1. Here I w...+阅读

(一)Daylight dies away when the sun sets.

It is snowing in great flakes. When I put out my hand from the window a piece of snowflake falls on the centre of my palm.

Peering at her thaw , I feel her permeating into my body bit by bit .I think from here on my heart should be her eternal terminus. I don't know whether this heavey snow is caused by your missing . How are you doing ?In the real deep night of the

soul all the stars are hiding behind the clouds and licking their wounds silently . Do you also sigh for the fading away of all memory of the past ?

Is the color of butterfly bright in your hometown ? The shower , which is spattering on your face in winter should be called the sleet , shouldn't it ? and moreover, what should the butterfly , which is struggling against sleet be called ? Do you

think whether she has endured suffering quietly for the sweetness at the last moment ? when she is fluttering in front of you. Do you feel heartbreaking when she is acting in a play and dragging her injured wings . The wind has blown the promise off , however , that gust of wind hasn't puffed the performance away , which merely belongs to herself. She indulges heself in dancing into the abyss of darkness, going round and round , going round and round .

She is a sweet surrender .

She is fit for being kept in mind .


Baby , it's raining here. I sit by the window, listening the music and missing you . I hear the voice of rain.it seems as if someone is crying. When will it stop ? Only the alone one can know the mood of the rain.

You took me to the edge of the heaven yesterday . But you rob me of my wings today and let me stand on the ground solely. When I see a view of your back , can you listen my heartfelt prayer?

Your smile are partly hidden and partly visible in the wind. Closing my eyes, I try to pursue the echoes of your voices. You occupy my every day's dream that tears come to my heart.


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