

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[新概念英语第一册lesson1 10课文]Lesson1: Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 3:Sorry sir. My coat and my umbr...+阅读

您好:As you all know, the global popular now a (H1N1) virus, a serious threat to people and life.Therefore we must pay attention to health, health.Pay attention to health should pay attention to three aspects: one is the environmental health, second, personal hygiene, three is health diet.

A, pay attention to environmental health is: don't throw confetti, to protect the environment, do not spit everywhere.Where there are a lot of people don't go to keep home ventilation is normal.

Second, pay attention to personal hygiene is: to use soap to wash your hands more, remove bacteria in brought back from the outside, to regular shampoo, we also want to take a bath, more give away the body of sweat, so that you will feel very cool, the virus will enter your body.We also want to brush your teeth, more bacteria to brush teeth out.We should also frequently change clothes oh, also want to wash your hands when you eat.

Third, pay attention to diet health mainly: don't eat junk food, buy food, want to see the production date, shelf-life, producer, we don't have spoiled meat, otherwise will be bad to the body.Especially in the summer, we should eat more green food and fruit.

Environmental hygiene, personal hygiene, diet and health are the basic guarantee of healthy life, as long as you do this at 3 o 'clock, can make various virus away from us.Viruses are preventable and controllable.






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