
英语单词关于 other的相关知识

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语中的判断题打T和F是什么意思]T是正确,F是错误。 1)T是True的缩写。true是形容词adj.意思是正确的,符合事实的;确实的;;名副其实的;真正的;如实的;实质的,真正的(而非表面上的)。 例句:His excuse just doesn't ring...+阅读

the other 意为the second of the two,指两者中的另一个,系特指。常与one连用

There are two kinds music in the world —— one is written down and the other is not.


another 意为one more或a different one,指三个以上的人或物中除去以知部分后“余下部分中的某一个”,非特指。

I don't like this pen. Please show me another. 这支钢笔我不喜欢,请给我另外一支。


others(=other+复数名词) 意为some of the rest,所指的是三个以上的人或物中除去以知部分后“余下部分中的某一些”,非特指。

When we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.当我们与他人交谈时,并不仅仅靠语言来使别人了解你。

the others (=the other+复数名词) 意为all of the rest,指三个以上的人或物中除去以知部分以后“余下部分中的全部”,系特指。

Three of you go there, and the others stay here. 你们之中有三个到那边去,其余的 全待在这儿。



the other常与one连用,具体形式为one…the other。如:第一个例句。

oher可单独使用,=other+名词。如:other students=others


1) Will you show me_____?I don't like it's colour.

2) She has two computers.One is IBM PC 386 and ____is IBM PC 574.

3) Tom runs faster than any ______students in his class.

4) The student has English, Chinese, math and many ______subjects.

5) Why are only three of you here in the classroom.Where are _____?

6) My classmates come from different parts of the country. Some come from Shanghai,some from Jinan and ______ from Beijing.

答案:1) another 2) the other 3) other

4) other 5) the others 6) others


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