

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何提高英语词汇教学反思]参考范文:时间飞逝,我们在忙碌中迎来了进入八年级的第一 考试。而面对这次考试的结果,我最大的感受就是不可理解。面对已经复习过的基础知识,学生们竟然再次出错。面对简单的阅...+阅读

2014学年英语周报八年级上册第1期\第2期参考答案 牛深八第1期答案 第1期N2版Keys:(One possible version) 词语点将台 1. inventor 2. invented 3. inventions 4. born 5. birth 6. has the ability to do 7. is able to finish 8. include 9. includes 10. to win 11. winner 句型导航 1. as; as 2. more than 短语收藏夹 1. is famous for 2. in the countryside 3. dying out 4. learn to make 5. used to 6. find out 第1期N3版Keys:(One possible version选择题除外) 随堂练 Section A I. 1. dinosaurs 2. notebook 3. countryside 4. human 5. inventor II. 6. born 7. intelligence 8. suddenly 9. inventors 10. ability III. 11. Nobody 12. However 13. even 14. include 15. scientist IV. 16. eat 17. musician 18. inventions 19. to think 20. to bring V. 21. in the countryside 22. learn about 23. human beings 24. die out 25. For example VI. 26. at the end of 27. more than 28. as good as 29. look up 30. was born in 31. from an early age 32. is connected to Section B I. 1. win first prize 2. found out 3. takes hard work and time II. 4-8 ADBCF 第1期N4版Keys: (One possible version判断题和选择题除外) 精“品”课文1-5DCABC 课本链接 1-5CDADB 主题漫步 1-5DCBAC 牛深八第2期答案 第2期N2版Keys:(One possible version判断题和选择题除外) 实战演练 I. 1. any 2. some; any 3. anything 4. some 5. any; some 6. anyone II. 7-11BABCC12-13BA III. 14. everything 15. someone 16. anything 17. something 18. everything19. somebody20. nobody 21. everyone 22. anything 23. Everything 操练场 1. a type of 2. go for a walk 3. are; important to 4. climb up 5. take pictures of 6. learn; from 7. broke open 8. in dry weather 第2期N3版Keys:(One possible version选择题除外) 随堂练 Section A I. 1. some 2. some 3. any 4. something 5. Everything 6. something 7. anybody 8. anything 9. somebody 10. nothing II. 1-5ADCBA6-8DCB Section B I. 1. You should learn from your brother. 2. The notebook is a great help with my studies. 3. This book is more difficult than any other. 4. Is he interested in music very much? 5. It is useful to have a good dictionary when you are reading. II. 1-5DAEGB Section C 1. to go for a walk2. in the mountains3. look like 4. read about 5. broke open Section D 1. is very important to 2. In dry weather 3. some big attractions 4. climbed up to 5. were made by 6. take pictures of 7. a type of 第2期N4版Keys:(One possible version选择题除外) 八年级英语Unit1听说题 I. 1-5CABAC II. 6. By studying their fossils. 7. Plants and meat. 8. We can find books on dinosaurs. III. 9. Inthe18thcentury. 10. Because more and more ordinary people began to use Britannica. 11. Around$1,400. IV. Xiao Qiang likes doing sports very much. One day, he played basketball in the living room alone. Suddenly, the ball hit the vase on the table and the vase broke into pieces. After awhile, Mom came back, and Xiao Qiang told his mother the truth. He said sorry to his mother. Xiao Qiang's mother praised XiaoQiang for his honesty. 写作一招鲜 Yesterday morning,I was still sleeping. Suddenly, Yummy, my cat, woke me up. It kept making much noise, so I couldn't sleep anymore. Then I jumped off my bed and started to go outside. Yummy ran in front of me, and it seemed to ask me to follow her. When I followed it to a big tree,I saw it watching some lovely baby birds in the tree. At that time,I understood. It wanted to eat the baby birds. I said to myself, “I should save them!”I found a ladder, climbed up the tree and saved those baby birds. Yummy felt sad but I was very happy to save the birds.


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