

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[照相机英文单词怎么读]camera 英 ['kæm(ə)rə] 美 ['kæmərə] n. 照相机;摄影机 n. (Camera)人名;(英、意、西)卡梅拉 [ 复数 cameras ] 【词组】 in camera (法律) 在法官的私室里;秘密地;不公开地 on...+阅读

很久很久以前……史莱克和他拯救的费奥娜公主结婚了。Long long ago, Shrek married with Princess Fiona who he rescued. 夫妻俩甩下超级电灯泡加扩音机的驴子,去渡他们幸福浪漫的蜜月。After dumped the super third wheel plus loud-speaker donkey, the couple spend their happy and romantic honeymoon.小两口卿卿我我,甚是甜蜜。They had a great, sweet time. 当他们返回沼泽地,收到一封来自“遥远国 ”的邀请函。

When they went back to the wetland and received an invitation from "the distant country". 费奥娜的父母哈沃尔德国王和莉莲王后想请分别许久的女儿和从末谋面的乘龙快婿回娘家看看。Princess Fiona' parents,King Harold and Queen Lilian,wanted to see their long-separated daughter and son-in-law who they hadn't met yet. 于是这对怪物夫妻乘坐马车浩浩荡荡地赶往“遥远国”,当然还得带上他们最丢不起的驴子。

So the monster couple hurried to the "distant country" on carriages, of cause with their donkey who they last wanted to leave behind. “遥远国”举国欢庆的时刻到了,成千上万的国民开始到处张灯结彩、敲锣打鼓。The festivity of the whole "distant country" came. Thousands upon thousands people decorated everywhere with lanterns and streamers, sang and danced happily. 电视台也将盛况空前地直播这场“世纪回归”。

The TV station was going to live broadcast this "century regression" with pomp they never had. 正当人群兴高采烈地准备迎接美丽的公主和帅气的驸马爷时,居然从马车上走出一对怪物来…… When the crowd were cheerly expecting their beautiful princess and handsome emperor's son-in-law, to everyone's surprise, they saw a couple of monster walk out the carriage. 国王和王后万万没想到美若天仙的掌上明珠也变成了胖乎乎的恐龙,姑爷更是打着灯笼也找不到的丑角。

The king and the queen absolutely didn't expect that their fair-faced beloved daughter had become a fat dragon, and their son-in-law is the most ugliest monster they had never ever seen. 受到惊吓的二老发现灾难才刚刚开始……。What's worse, the scared old couple found this was just the beginning of disaster. 国王很早和仙女教母谈好了条件,要让费奥娜嫁给她的儿子白马王子。The king had a commitment with Fairy Godmother to let Fiona marry with her son Prince Charming. 白马王子出马,本应该是马到成功的,但是没想到半路杀出个程咬金抢先一步屠龙救美了。

Charming was supposed to success immediately upon the action, but the dark horse was unexpectedly rescued and had the princess before Charming took his action.于是国王决定雇佣大名鼎鼎的怪物杀手穿靴子的猫,希望他能把他们的绊脚石给除掉。So the king decide to engage the famous monster killer-- a boot-wearing cat, hoping he can get rid of king's eyesore. 翻译的挺仔细的,你看看~~我也喜欢shrek



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