

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语文明礼貌用语].Hello. 您好。 4.Good morning! 早上好! 5.Good afternoon! 下午好! 6.Good evening! 晚上好! 7.You first, please! 您先请! 8.Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗? 9.What can I do for...+阅读


1、make a mistake

2、make mistakes

mistake 英 [mɪ'steɪk] 美 [mɪ'stek]

n. 错误;误会;过失

vt. 弄错;误解

vi. 弄错;误解



1、n. 错误;误会;过失

error , fault , sin , blame , misunderstanding

2、vt. 弄错;误解

err in , go wrong

3、vi. 弄错;误解

fault , err in


1、犯大错误 blunder ; To Pull a Boner

2、我犯了错误 I made a mistake

3、以前犯的错误 Previous mistakes ; Previously committed errors

4、我犯过错误 I've stumbled

5、无意识犯的错误 an unconscious error

6、常犯的错误 A Common Mistake ;

7、犯了错误 made a mistake

8、英雄犯大错误 Great men have great faults



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