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[求一个2人英语对话要大学级别的但是别太难一句话尽量别太长]Ricky: Hi, its me. Are we still going to the concert on Saturday? Sue: Yeah, fine. Ricky: Ill pick up the tickets at lunchtime tomorrow. No ... I cant. I...+阅读

go动词短语 go on 持续;发生 eg. His success can't go on forever.他的成功不可能永远持续下去。(不及物)carry on go by (时间等)经过;遵照…实行 eg. Time really goes by fast. 时间真的过得很快。(不及物)可用pass by We'll go by what the boss says. 我们会照老板的话去做。(及物) go with 伴随…;陪…一起去;与…相配 eg. Would like to go with me to the movies tonight? 你今晚可以陪我去看电影吗? Do you think this scarf goes with my coat? 你觉得这条围巾跟我的外套相配吗? go abroad 出国 eg. She plans to go abroad after graduating from college. 她打算大学毕业后就出国。

go ahead 向前走;请便;尽管用 eg. This food is for our guests.Plsase go ahead,and help yourself. go along 前进;进行 eg. You may have some difficulty at first,but you'll find it easier as you go long. 最初你可能会有些困难;但往下进行你会觉得越来越简单。 go for … 去叫;去拿;go for it 全力以赴 eg. Timmy went for his mother because his little sister was crying. go wrong 失败;堕落 eg. If something goes wrong again this time,we'll abandon the whole experiment. go off 走火;(事情的)进行;离开;(燃气、自来水等)供应来源被切断;爆炸;响起 eg. The gun went off while he was cleaning it. The plan went off without a hitch. Michael went off to college last fall. The power went off last night. go through (…) 穿过;经历…;修完(…的全部课程);仔细调查 eg. This tunnel goes through the mountain. He decided to go through with the surgery. He went through graduate school in the late eighties. I have gone through all my things,but I just can't find it. do动词短语 do with… 处置…,忍受… do without… 无需用…(便可应付) do…good 对…有好处;对…有效 do (…) harm 伤害… do well 成功;很顺利;恢复健康 do away with… 废除… do one's best 尽力;竭尽所能 have done with… 完了;不需要(某物)了 do someone a favor 帮某人一个忙 have something to do with… 和…有关


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