

10月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


China Market Overview


China is a rapidly rising global economic power. Overall growth has eraged a robust 7% to 8% for more than a decade, with some markets expanding much more rapidly:

1. China's auto market exploded in 2003, passenger car sales jumping 82% year-over-year. Yet China's auto industry is still in early stages with strong growth projected for years ahead.

2. China is the world's largest telemunications market with some 280 million mobile subscribers and 270 million wireline subscribers. New wireline subscribers are being connected at close to two million per month while mobile subscribers are growing at four million per month, overall at 14% growth rate.

3. Chinese household appliance manufacturers are experiencing growth in excess of 35% per year. The demand for China's household electric appliances, both domestic and for export, pushed production levels overall for many small and major appliance product categories up 40 to 50 percent or more in 2003.

4. At approximately 1.29 billion people, China is the world's most populous nation, yet Inter peration and emerce are still in the developmental growth stages. According to statistics released by the China Inter work Information Center, China, with nearly 80 million Inter users, currently trails only the USA and Japan. With the number of Inter users growing at around 5% a month, a household peration rate of 25% percent is conceivably only three or four years off.


1.economic power经济强国

power n.a person, group, or nation hing great influence or control over others有势力者,有力的组织,强国:对他人或他国具有极大影响力或控制力的人、集团或国家

例:the western powers.


2.overall growth综合增长(率)

overall a.including e

verything; prehensive总的:包括一切的;全面的:

例:the overall costs of marketing


3.erage n.an intermediate level or degree平均水准:一种中等的水平或程度

例:near the erage in size.


vi.to be or amount to an erage平均:作为或达到一个中间值

4.robust adj.full of strength; vigorous有力的;精力充沛的

5.expand vt.to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge扩大:增加尺寸、体积、数量或范围;扩大

例:expanded her store by adding a second room


6.explode vi.to increase suddenly, sharply, and without control猛增:突然、猛烈而又难以控制的增长

例:The population level in this area has exploded during the past 12 years.


7.passenger car客车

8.project v.to form a plan or an intention for计划:为…形成一个计划或一种意向

例:project a new business enterprise.


to calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends预计:基于当前的资料或趋势(对未来的某事)的计算、估计或预测

例:projecting next year's expenses and ine.



10.mobile subscribers移动用户

subscriber n.订购人

例:a telephone subscriber


11.wireline subscribers电信用户

12.household appliance manufacturers家用器具制造商

appliance n.用具, 器具

13.household electric appliances家用电器

14.category n.a specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class种类:在某一分类系统中特别定义的部分;类别

15.populous nation人口大国

populous adj.人口多的, 人口稠密的

16.inter peration英特网的市场占有率

peration n.the degree to which a modity, for example, is sold or recognized in a particular market畅销度:一种商品在例如某一特定市场的销售或被认可的程度

17.emerce: e-merce电子商务

18.statistics n.统计数值,统计资料

19.trail v.to lag behind (an opponent)落后:落在(对手的)后面

例:trailed the league leader by four games.


20.conceivably adv.令人信服地

21.three or four years off落后


off adv.slack落后的


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