

10月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[MultinationalCompaniesAdjustStrategy3跨国公司调整战略]II.Multinational panies Accelerating the Sales Strategy Rearrangement跨国公司加快销售战略调整There is a new trend in the investment by multinational enterpris...+阅读

Multinational panies Adjust Strategies to China(1)


I.China is Now a Key Area in the Global Strategies of Multinational panies

Once upon a time, multinational panies were very sober-minded about investing in China. Of the large German and Japanese panies, originally only Volkswagen and the Sanyo invested in Shanghai, Changchun and Shenzhen on a significant scale. When recalling the days of studying China's investment climate in 1981, Dr. Karl Harn, a magnate in the German auto industry, said, "For most multinational panies at that time, China was still a mysterious, shy girl".

But today, changes he taken places. Multinational panies are begining to accelerate their investment in China on a large scale, and he integrated with China's economic and social activities in every sector.

According to statistic, 400 out of the "FORTUNE 500" he made a direct investment in over 2000 projects in China. In Pudong, Shanghai alone, the total value of 181 projects invested by 98 panies has reached U.S.  8 billion.

In recent years, the "FORTUNE 500" 500 target at China, apart from the impetus of the international situation, China' own potential is also a strong temptation.

As for the remarkable achievements of China's economy, chairman and CEO of the

Boeing pany, can't help showing his admiration. "China's GDP growth rate in the past twenty-three years is 2.5 times more than in North America and Europe. If the leading increase rate keeps going, China will undoubtedly grow into a strong economic power in the next fifty years. Multinational panies must attach sufficient importance to the promising purchasing power on the Chinese market".


1.multinational panies跨国公司

multinational adj.多国的, 跨国公司的

2.adjust vt.to change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond调节,调整:改变…以相适或适应;使与…相适

3.strategy n.策略;战略

4.key n.钥匙, 关键

5.global adj.全球的, 全世界的

6.sober-minded a.头脑冷静的

7.recall vt.回忆, 回想

8.magnate n.a powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry巨头:有的或有影响力的人,尤指工商界或工业界

例:an oil magnate.


9.mysterious adj.神秘的

10.accelerate vt.to increase the speed of加速,促进:加快…的速度

11.integrate vt.to make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify使成一体:把所有部分放在一起而成一整体;使结合

12.FORTUNE 500“财富”杂志500强

13.impetus n.推动力, 促进

14.potential n.潜能, 潜力

15.temptation n.诱惑, 诱惑物

16.remarkable adj.值得注意的, 显著的

17.achievement n.成就, 功绩

18.CEO chief executive officer首席执行官

19.Boeing pany波音(客机)公司

20.admiration n.钦佩, 赞美

21.GDP growth rate国内生产总值增长率

22.promising adj.有希望的, 有前途的

23.purchasing power购买力


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