

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[同济大学mba的面试流程有哪些]同济大学MBA面试: 主要分个人面试和无领导小组面试。 1.个人面试(中文+英文): a.中文面试; b.英语口语面试。 2.小组面试(中文): a.形式:无领导小组讨论; b.随机分组,一般为6-8人一组,分...+阅读

牛津大学面试问题 Subject 科目:地理 Geography 面试老师Interviewer: Lorraine Wild, St Hilda's College 问: If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in? (如果我去你的家乡旅行,我应该看些什么有趣的东西?) Subject科目:现代语言Modern languages 面试老师:Helen Swift, St Hilda's学院 问:What is language(什么是语言)? Subject科目:英语English 面试老师: Lucinda Rumsey, Mansfield College 问: Why might it be useful for an English student to read the Twilight series(为什么英文专业的学生有必要阅读Twilight(暮光之城)系列?)? Subject科目:医药Medicine 面试老师:Robert Wilkins, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics (生理学,解剖学和遗传学系) 问:为什么运动时你的心跳会加速(Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise)? Subject科目:生物科学Biological sciences 面试老师:Martin Speight, Department of Zoology (动物系) 问:If you could save either the rainforests or the coral reefs, which would you choose? (如果你只能拯救热带雨林或珊瑚礁中的一个,你会选择哪个)? Subject科目:法律Law 面试老师:Ben McFarlane, Faculty of Law (法学院) 问:What does it mean for someone to 'take' another's car(一个人“拿走”别人的车是什么意思)? Subject主题:工程Engineering 面试老师:Byron Byrne, Department of Engineering Science (工程科学系) 问:How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water(你会如何设计一个重力蓄水大坝)? Interview questions Subject: Geography Interviewer: Lorraine Wild, St Hilda's College Q: If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in? Lorraine Wild: 'The question gives candidates an opportunity to apply concepts from their A level geography course to their home area。

They might discuss urban planning and regeneration, ethnic segregation and migration, or issues of environmental management。 The question probes whether they are able to apply 'geographical thinking' to the everyday landscapes around them。 It reveals the extent to which they have a curiosity about the world around them。 By asking specifically about their home area the question eliminates any advantage gained by those who are more widely travelled and have more experience of a variety of geographical contexts。

' Subject: Modern languages Interviewer: Helen Swift, St Hilda's College Q: What is language? Helen Swift: 'Although I would never launch this question at a candidate on its own, it might grow out of a discussion。 Students sometimes say they like studying Spanish, for example, because they 'love the language'。 In order to get a student thinking critically and analytically, the question would get them to consider what constitutes the language they enjoy – is it defined by particular features or by function (what it does)? How does form relate to meaning? And so on。

' Subject: English Interviewer: Lucinda Rumsey, Mansfield College Q: Why might it be useful for an English student to read the Twilight series? Lucinda Rumsey: 'There's several reasons I might ask this one。 It's useful in an interview to find some texts the candidate has read recently and the Twilight books are easily accessible and popular。 Also, candidates tend to concentrate on texts they have been taught in school or college and I want to get them to talk about whatever they have read independently, so I can see how they think rather than what they have been taught。

A good English student engages in literary analysis of every book they read。 The question has led to some interesting discussions about narrative voice, genre, and audience in the past。 ' Subject: Medicine Interviewer: Robert Wilkins, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics。


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