

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

1. 第一次见面除了常用问候外:How do you do? Glad to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你。God bless you to have a good journy. 上帝保佑你旅途顺利。Welcome to ...欢迎你到...来。2. 介绍时:Let me introduce xx to you.让我给你介绍 xxx.This is Mr./Ms. xx. He is ... of ...这是xx先生/女士,是某机构的某职位。3. 当客人提出要求时:Sure, take it at home.当然了,请随便。No broblem, as your please.好的,只要你高兴。Sorry, it happen to do sth.或 it so happen that 后接句子对不起,碰巧某事发生。It is inconvenient for you to do so, for ...由于某种原因,您不便这样做。3. 发现客人出现困惑时:Can I help you? 或 What can I do for you?有什么事要我帮忙吗?4. 当没听懂或没听清楚时:I beg your pardon?5. 当要带领客人到另一处时:Would you mind our going to ...?我们到某处您不介意吧?This way, please.这边走。Mind your step. 脚下留神。等等,不一而足。如果能知道你们的活动计划,可以给你进一步的建议。...
