

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[调到别的地方工作怎么写这个自荐书]1、对不同的雇主和行业,你的求职信要量体裁衣。 2、提出你能为未来雇主做些什么,而不是他们为你做什么。 3、集中精力于具体的职业目标。 4、不要对你的求职情形或人生状况说...+阅读

你看看这个自荐书对你有没有帮助 Personal written submissions (Medicine) Dear Hospital Leadership: Hello! Thank you for taking the vertical read my written submissions, to an enthusiastic college students to open a door of hope, I believe I will not let you down. I am a clinical department of Luzhou Medical College, a graduating undergraduate students, in your hospital Chiu-Nazi occasion, in view of a solid basic medical knowledge and skilled operating techniques, excellent social work skills and a strong self-learning capacity-building, I are confident that they can soon be clinically relevant competent work. Therefore, special to your hospital volunteered. Four-year clinical study of theory formation of my rigorous learning attitude, rigorous way of thinking, cultivate good study habits, a year of clinical internship work experience also enhanced my ability to analyze problems to solve the problem. Especially in the process of teaching hospital internship gave me a lot of opportunities for hands-on experience, so I have all the clinical departments of the common diseases are able to make the correct diagnosis and best treatment. A strong sense of responsibility, a strong interest in learning, hands-on ability, the ability to accept fast, and able to complete all outstanding tasks, so I won praise superior physician, but also made me brimming with confidence, be my future work life Chihpen. Extensive experience in social work is not only broadened my horizons, but also the formation of my calm and decisive, dedicated and efficient work style. In elementary school, junior high school, has been to university at all stages, I have served as squad leader, learning and other members, successfully organized numerous class group of school activities, work was recognized students and teachers praise, I have a class where more than sub-group was rated excellent classes, I have repeatedly won the Outstanding Youth League, the work of activists and other honorary titles. I believe that with these experiences, I will be able to coordinate various relationships, deal with problems encountered in daily work. Self-learning ability is another one of my strengths. Medical science and technology with each passing day, only by constantly upgrading their knowledge to the fierce competition in an invincible position. In school I passed the computer, one or two exams, the state CET, can master Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsXP operating system, and self-study using the Office, Photoshop, FoxPro and other software for graphics processing, spreadsheet design, web production and other work for the future work, study, improve efficiency and create favorable conditions. After five years of study and practice, I have psychological and ability in doing the job fully prepared to go in, I sincerely hope will become your hospital medical research team in one, I will noble medical ethics, passion service, dump my ability to keep on learning I can not, for your hospital's medical contribute to a cause of development to achieve life-saving and dedication to work, life and effort of the long-cherished wish. Finally, your esteemed unit of grand flourishing! Sincerely 中文的意思 个人自荐书(医学类) 尊敬的医院领导: 您好! 感谢您百忙中垂阅我的自荐书,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门,相信我一定不会让您失望。

我是泸州医学院临床医学系的一名即将毕业的本科生,在贵医院招贤纳粹之际,鉴于扎实医学基础知识、熟练的操作技术、出色的社会工作能力及较强的自学提高能力,我有信心自己能够很快胜任临床相关工作。因此,特向贵医院毛遂自荐。 四年大学的临床理论学习形成了我严谨的学习态度、严密的思维方式,培养了良好的学习习惯,一年的临床实习工作经历更提高了我分析问题解决问题的能力。

尤其是在实习过程中实习医院给我提供了许多动手实践机会,使我对临床各科室的常见病能够做出正确的诊断和最佳的处理。强烈的责任感、浓厚的学习兴趣,动手能力强、接受能力快,并且能够出色的完成各项工作任务,使我赢得了上级医师的一致好评,更使我信心百倍,成为我今后工作生活中的知本。 丰富的社会工作经验不仅开阔了我的视野,更形成了我沉稳果断、热忱高效的工作作风。

在小学、初中、高中,一直到大学各阶段中,我曾任班长,学习委员等,成功地组织了无数次班集体校内外活动,工作得到同学的认可与老师的好评,我所在的班级多次被评为优秀班集体,本人也多次赢得了优秀共青团员、工作积极分子等荣誉称号。我相信有了这些工作经历,我一定能够协调各种关系、处理好日常工作中遇到的问题。 自学能力强是我的另外一个优点。



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