

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求九年级上册所有化学式和化学方程式粤教版的]1、实验室氧气: 2KMnO4=====2K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑ △ MnO2 2KClO3=======2KCl+3O2↑ △ MnO2 2H2O2=======2H2O+O2↑ 2、实验室制氢气 Zn+H2SO4===ZnSO4+H2↑ (常用) Fe+H2SO4===F...+阅读

【Unit 1】 Section A

一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar

二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited

三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group

四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet

五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B

一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges

二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right

三、1.First of all 2.Later on 3.laugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring

四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does

五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves 9.pronunciation 10.dictionary Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC

二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read 8.truly 9.speaking 10.(to) carry

三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead of 6.What was

四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the help of 6.look up 7.make up

五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC

六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of English. I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; by practicing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer the teacher's questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class. I often practice conversations with my friends. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. I've learned a lot by working with a group. Watching English-language TV programs can help a lot. The most important rule for learning English is “Don't be afraid of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”. 【Unit 2】 还要下面的吗?要是这个就是你想要的,还要下面的话,就给我最佳~~~ 求采纳为满意回答。


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