
关于农村儿童辍学的英语作文 120字左右

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[十月底参加GCT英语单词没记几个有没有特效的]新阳光教育多年经验教你几招 第一招:写 很多人背诵单词都是用眼睛和嘴,眼看,嘴念。其实,大家都疏忽了一点——写。 实验证明,实际使用词汇能帮助在脑海中真正记住单词,因此,用新的...+阅读

Dear Sir/Madam I had the pleasure of reading an article in your paper about children in rural areas being forced to quit school. This affected me tremendously and moved me to write to you. The reasons for this phenomenon can be mainly ascribed to the following: 1) poverty in the family 2) the need to assist the family to earn income 3) difficulty in learning experienced by the children 4) unwillingness of the children to go to school on account of distance or disinterest. With some outside assistance, most of these hurdles can be removed. The challenge is to organize contributions from different quarters so that a concerted effort can be mounted to solve this problem. As each child has the right to education, I am very keen to make a contribution to help solve this problem. I will give up my pocket money to this cause. I do hope that your esteemed paper will take up this challenge and organize a programme to help these rural children. Thank you very much for your attention. Yours sincerely, ..


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英语四级考试时间接广东省考试院通知,2011年上半年全国普通高校大学英语四、六级考试(CET)定于6月18日进行,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、考试时间及语种: 语种 考试时间 考试时长 英语四级 9:00-11:...



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谢谢的英语多种How very nice of you to say so! It's very good of you to say so. Thank you so/very much. =Thanks very much/a lot. =Thank you ever so much. 十分感谢你. I would a...

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教育如何对待农村辍学学生临夏县新集中学 王永新 为了认真贯彻《九年义务教育法》,进一步提高少数民族地区的教育教学质量,作为班主任如何做好后进生的工作显得极为重要。笔者做班主任工作多年,根据农村...
