

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急需结婚典礼上的誓词!尽量简短!最好是新郎几句新娘几句最后]婚礼新郎答谢词参考今天我由衷的开心和激动,因为我终于结婚了。一时间纵有千言万语却不知从和说起。但我知道,这万语千言最终只能汇聚成两个字,那就是“感谢 首先要感谢在座的...+阅读

歌名could this be love 演唱者victoria acosta 歌词:could this be lovevictoria acosta woke up this morning, just sat in my bed, 8 a.m first thing in my head, is a certain someone, who's always on my mind, he treats me like a lady in everyway, he smiles and warms me through up the day, should i tell him i love you, wish i knew what to say! could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real, if i lost you would i ever heal, could this be love that i feel? could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real, if i lost you would i ever heal, could this be love that i feel? the way he looks, so deep in my eyes, our hearts are so warm, i just wanna cry, then he's so hardworking, he wants to be someone. should i tell him that i love you, what if he doesn't say it too, i'm getting so nervous, what should i do could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real, if i lost you would i ever heal, could this be love that i feel? could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real, if i lost you would i ever heal, could this be love that i feel? will it be my turn, two hearts beating together as one, no more loneliness, only love, laughter and fun could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real, if i lost you, would i ever heal, could this be love that i feel? could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real, if i lost you would i ever heal, could this be love that i feel? could this be love that i feel?



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艾薇结婚的背景音乐叫什么Victoria Acosta的Could This Be Love,的确很好听 歌词:Woke up this morning, Just sat in my bed, 8 a.m first thing in my head, Is a certain someone, Who's always on...

艾薇结婚时的歌是什么啊Victoria Acosta Could This Be Love Woke up this morning, 今早醒来 Just sat in my bed, 只是坐在床边 8 a.m first thing in my head, 早晨8点在我脑海里的第一件事 Is a c...
