

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急急急求英文的生日贺词急!急!急!求英文的生日贺词!希望朋友们]你,一口气在人生的跑道上跑了N圈。今天,又到了起跑点。累了吧?休息一下吧。明天你又将开始新的一圈。而我,将一如既往的站在跑道边为你呐喊助威。 值得记念的日子,原世界因为有了...+阅读

Darin - That Love


Girl, I'm ready now

So gimme everything you got

I can show you how

So I'ma put your love on top


Baby, you

You'll be my number one


So many ways to love you

I think about it all the time (All the time)

So many ways to touch you

I wanna do it every night


'Cause I love the way your body moves

Girl I swear you look so beautiful

Baby, I'm taking all of you

'Cause I just can't get enough of that love


No, I'll never stop

Trying to find the things you like

Gonna make it hot

Giving me a feeling I can't fight


Baby, you

You'll be my number one

Baby, you

You'll be my number one


So many ways to love you

I think about it all the time (All the time)

So many ways to touch you

I wanna do it every night


'Cause I love the way your body moves

Girl, I swear you look so beautiful

Baby, I'm taking all of you

'Cause I just can't get enough of that love


Baby, your wish is my command

So girl, just break all of your plans

Stay the night and if you want

I'll never stop…


So many ways to love you

I think about it all the time (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

So many ways to touch you

I want do it every night


Give me that love, that love, that love baby

Give me that love, that love, that love baby

I'm taking all of you

'Cause I just can't get enough of that love


I love the way you move

You look so beautiful

I'm taking all of you

'Cause I just can't get enough of that love



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