

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[80后女孩的德国留学故事是什么]迷茫过后的向往 出生在天台的梅欹,11岁那年随父母来到绍兴生活。从初中开始就住校读书,开始独立生活,去上海读大学时,自然比许多学生多了一份独立处事的能力。大学一年级,刚刚脱...+阅读

Cinderella Play Script (Characters : Narrator, Cinderella, Stepsister 1, Stepsister 2, Fairy godmother, Guest 1, Guest 2, Prince) Scene 1 (at Cinderella's home) Narrator: Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. She had two ugly stepsisters who were very cruel to her. Stepsister 1: Did you clean the kitchen? Cinderella: Yes, I did. Stepsister 2: Did you polish my shoes? Cinderella: Yes, I did. Stepsister 1: Did you iron my clothes? Cinderella: Yes, I did. Stepsister 2: And...did you make breakfast? Cinderella: Yes, breakfast is ready. Narrator: The evil stepsisters made Cinderella do all the hard work. Cinderella: (calling out) Stepsisters! A letter from the royal palace has arrived for you. Stepsister 1: (fighting) Give it to me! I want to open it. Stepsister 2: (fighting) No! I want to open it. Stepsister 1 & 2: (looking at the invitation card) Look! We are invited to the Prince's ball at the royal palace. Cinderella: (crying sadly) I wish I could go, too. Narrator: The night of the ball arrived. Stepsister 1: (laughing) Ha, ha! We are going to have a great time at the ball. Stepsister 2: (laughing) Have a great night working, Cinderella. Narrator: After the evil stepsisters had left, suddenly, a fairy appeared. Cinderella: Oh my! Who are you? Fairy godmother: I'm your fairy godmother, beautiful Cinderella. I am here to help you go to the ball tonight. Narrator: The fairy godmother waved her magic wand. Cinderella's rags turned into a beautiful dress. Cinderella: Wow! It's so beautiful. Narrator: On her feet were sparkling glass slippers. Cinderella: Oh, I love them! Narrator: The fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into an amazing coach and some mice into horses. Cinderella: What a lovely coach and handsome horses. Fairy godmother: You are ready now, my dear. Have fun tonight, but be back by midnight, or else! Cinderella: Okay, fairy godmother! Thank you.


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