

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇演讲稿关于护士奉献]今天是你的节日-----白衣天使,在此特殊佳节之际谨用一首深情的诗歌来赞美和感谢你们------最可爱的人。 你们用对生命的爱 实践着南丁格尔的诺言 你们用温柔的话语 激励我们...+阅读

Respect 【By Kaiser3344】

Respect, is face with a sincere smile, Respect, is published in others different opinions when listening, Respect for others, is the effort applaud. Respect looks like just dedication to the people around.

Respect is a great wisdom, because she knows so compassion. Respect others and has similarities between hard, meet the companion of excitement caper enough to cover "respect" that level slightly light. The difficulty is respect for others and yourself the differences. You think that smoking is harmful to health and environmental pollution but he regard it as a swap, he said the life should be proactive fresh strong but you just plain blue sky.another comfortable life, thank vou everyone endless and same difference, respect is keep policy.it millions of his own life creed and from the objective perspective to appreciate the eyes to see each other, not demanding the same, but face are motiva ted.

So, respect other people's respect myself.






【开场白】I am XXX,a student from the college of Economics and Business administration,my major is Logistics management,class 1,my topic is respect.下面接我写的演讲稿。



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