

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[空姐面试英文自我介绍]空姐面试技巧 航空公司面试程序: 1 .新加坡航空公司面视指南 ①首先准备一份中英文简历。到考场后,工作人员会发给报考人员一篇广播词(英文),经过稍微准备后,接着 5 人一组,进入主...+阅读

When drawing a picture, what I take notice of is the dyestuff and the facial --expression. If youth is a picture, what color should I put on it? In fact , everyone, including the young or the old, is painting or has painted his or her youth picture. Maybe it is planned, and maybe it is unconscious: when youth is coming it is seen by everyone, and it is going away without being noticed by someone, or it is persuaded to stay with it. Youth is always compared to spring, because everything can get a new beginning from the time, because everything is full of vim and vigor, at the time because everything can show off the individual personality and their colors for the nature. But youth is different from the spring. Spring moves in cycles, while youth comes only once all one's life. Different colors have different meanings. Green is the symbol of vigor. Pink symbolizes romantice. White tokens purity. In spring, the main color is green, saying vim and vigor, likewise, youth should have vim, but is it enough? Maybe someone would say the youth is invaluable, and all energy and notices should be given to the period. Learning is the most important thing and the only thing they should do. But it seems monotonous, if the picture of youth is only one kind of color,and the picture can't be called a wonderful picture. Everybody knows youth is the golden time in one's life, but should golden time be dull? Looking at the beautiful sight of spring , she could see pink, white and so on, which make up the beautiful spring.Why not give more colors to the golden time, it is a good time for studying, but it is also a good timefor other things. It is a chance of success for everything. Now I have the answer to what color I should put on youth? I will put green, pink, white and red on the picture of my youth, but I know green is still the main color, just like spring. In that case, my youth could called a golden time, at least for me.


空姐英文自我介绍My name is XX,I'm nineteen years old and I'm from ZhangQiu,JiNan,where there is a famous springs called BaiMai and there have been the hometown of the famous po...

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关于护士的演讲稿尊敬的各位领导、各位代表:大家好! 我叫***,现年xx岁,大专文化,主管护师。1984年7月***卫校毕业,分配到县人民医院从事护理工作,1996年xx医科大学函授高护班毕业,同年晋升为主管护师...



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