

09月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[苏教版教材在五年级上册第五单元“除数是整数的小数除]除数是整数的小数除法 是小数除法中最为基础的内容,也是小数除法内容的重要组成部分。只有真正掌握除数是整数的小数除法,学生才能合乎逻辑地探索并理解除数是小数的除法,因为...+阅读



( )1. A. wall B. ball C. doll D. call

( )2. A. his B. hers C. mine D. ours

( )3. A. bright B. light C. right D. night

( )4. A. milked B. watered C. picked D. tasted

( )5. A. dear B. bear C. hear D. year

( )6. A. Halloween B. Easter C. Christmas D. May Day

( )7. A. parents B. presents C. parties D. perhaps

( )8. A. fourite B. festival C. relative D. fast

( )9. A. Nov.13th B. Jan.3rd C. Sep.30th D. Oct.31st

( )10. A. 1:50 B. 2:10 C. 10:20 D. 1:10


( ) 1. A. It’s Monday. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s the 22nd of July.

( ) 2. A. I’m in Japan. B. I was in Japan. C. I watered trees.

( ) 3. A. Helen. B. It’s Helen. C. Helen’s.

( ) 4. A. They usually watch the moon and eat moon cakes.

B. They usually visit their relatives and friends.

C. They usually dress up in costumes and go to parties.

( ) 5. A. It means “Danger”. B. It’s a public sign. C. Yes.

三、听录音,填入所缺单词. (10分)

In , Spring Festival is very popular. It is in or February.

usually eat a lot of delicious food and time with their

and friends. Children can ______ some from their relatives. Lili’s fourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival. She usually __________ the moon. Last Mid-autumn Festival, her father made a lantern for ________. She a good time.



1.问一些问题 6.blow out the candles

2.刚才 7.open it for me

3.在她前面 8.look around

4.尝苹果 9.a popular holiday

5.上周 10.Christmas presents


1. mine (复数) ___________ 2. smoke (现在分词) ___________

3. nine (序数词) ___________ 4. answer (反义词) _____________

5. ours (主格) ____________ 6. run (现在分词) ______________

7. diary (复数) _____________ 8. aren’t (过去式) ____________

9. girls(所有格) ____________ 10. fun(形容词) ____________


( )1. The sign over there means you shouldn’t ______ the grass.

A. smoking B. to smoke C. smoke

( )2. Would you like basketball with me? _____

A. play Yes, I like. B. play Yes, I’d like.

C. to play Yes, I’d like to.

( )3. This is __________ watch. ________ is over other.

A. my, His B. my, He C. mine, His

( )4. There’s a running race and the boys are very .

A. exciting B. excited C. excite

( )5. There a pair of glasses in my bag a moment ago.

A. was B. were C. is

( )6. The sweater is on the floor. Please ______ for me.

A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up

( )7. He __ to school by bus every day, but he ___ there on foot yesterday.

A. goes, went B. go, went C. went, go

( )8. Where ______ you last Monday? I at home.

A. are is B. were was C. was were

( )9. New Year’s Day es Christmas.

A. after B. before C. with

( )10. ---____ is the teapot? ---It’s _____.

A. Who, his B. Whose, his C. Whose, her


1. This sign means “No ”. (smoke)

2. Today is the (twelve) of March.

3. I’d like (watch) a VCD of Japanese cartoons.

4. Listen, the children (play) the guitar now.

5. Show (we) the stamps.

6. Liu Tao and Wang Bing (milk) cows yesterday.

7. Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.

8. All the people are very (excite) now.

9. Where are our shoes? (your) are under the bed.

10. How many (child) are there in your family?


1. There were some apple trees on the farm. (改为一般疑问句)

there apple trees on the farm?

2. I went to a party last Halloween. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ ______ to a party last Halloween?

3. This is her b. (对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ is this ?


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