

09月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语六年级下册Unit5 A party第三课时Sound time]单元围绕 道路安全 这一话题,呈现了若干行路规则和安全知识,旨在引导学生树立正确过马路的安全意识。目标语法中情态动词must和mustn t的使用,恰当的表述了行路安全中的注意事...+阅读

班级: 姓名 成绩

1. Listen and number: (听音标号)


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

2. Listen and tick or cross: (听音√或×)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6) (7) (8)

(9) (10) (11) (12)

1 3 1 8

3. Read and number.听音标号)

①window ②book ③board

④door ⑤floor ⑥desk

⑦schoolbag ⑧chair

4. Dictation. Listen and write the words. (听写单词)

⑴ ⑵

⑶ ⑷

5. Listen and draw.(听音画画)

⑴ ⑵.

⑶ ⑷


1. Read and listen. Cross out the wrong sentences.(听音,圈出正确的句子)


a. It’s the number C.

b. It’s the letter C


a. What colour are the doors?

b. What colour are the door?


a. What’s your name?

–It’s a pencil

b. What’s this?

– It’s a pencil


a. Clean board please.

b. Clean the board please.


a. The windows is yellow.

b. The windows are yellow.


a. We’ve got some ball

b. We’ve got some balls

1. (Listening prehension)(18分)

1. Open the door please.

2. Put your book on your bag.

3. Clean the board, please.

4. Close your pencil case.

5. The butterfly flies out of the window.

6. Put your book in your bag.

2. (Vocabulary, listening prehension)(36分)

1. A chair

2. Windows.

3. Bb.

4. A dog.

5. A bag.

6. G,g.

7. A door.

8. Draw a plane.

9. Cut it out

10. trains..

11. balls.

12. 1,3,0,8.

3. (Reading)16分

- No listening material.

4. (Detailed listening, letters, handwriting)(10分)

1. Green, g-r-e-e-n, green.

2. Eight, e-i-g-h-t, eight.

3. Schoolbag, s-c-h-o-o-l-b-a-g.

4. Plane, p-l-a-n-e.

5. (Listening prehension. Vocabulary)(20分)

1. Draw a caterpillar. Colour it green and brown.

2. Draw a train. Colour it red and blue.

3. Draw a plane. Colour it orange and pink.

4. Draw a pencil.Colour it yellow and purple.


(Error awareness, grammar)(20分)

Example: a, It’s the number C; b, It’s the letter C

1. a, What colour are the doors?; b, What colour are the door?

2. a, What’s your name? –It’s a pencil; b, What’s this? – It’s a pencil

3. a, Clean board please; b, Clean the board please.

4. a, The windows is yellow; b, The windows are yellow.

5. a, We’ve got some ball; b, We’ve got some balls


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