

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语口语课前演讲PPT]ns 说: I have only received one email from you Simmons 说: It had two pictures attached yanyun.leehotmail.com 说: <:o) yanyun.leehotmail.com 说: yes two pictures ya...+阅读


playground,garden,teacher's office

library,canteen,art room,computer room

washroom,music room,gym,TV room


lunch,English class,music class,

breakfast,dinner,P.E.class,get up

gd to school,gd home,go to bad





课前五分钟的英语ppt演讲。好急好急。Autumn Sausage Corn Soup This soup warms you up from the beginning of autumn to winter's end."I cook this frequently throughout the year, but my family especiall...

急求大学英语课前演讲PPT主题不限When I turn old ,when I am not the original me:Please understand me and have patience with me. When I drip gravy all over my clothes ,when I forget to tie my sh...

急求一份大学英语课前的演讲稿最好带PPT不用太长三分钟足矣My family Hello, everyone, I'm Liu Dongdong. I'm a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I. My father is 40 years old. He is a wor...


一年级用英语怎么说你们老师说的是对的, first 是序数词 表修饰 表明是 第一 年级, 也就是一年级。 而一年级用英文应该是 Grade One (两个词首字母都要大写!!必要条件!!!) 但是题目中grade一词在括号后...

一年级英语翻译House of Dumplings 饺子屋 At the House of Dumplings,在饺子屋,we have some great specials!我们有些新品上市Special 1 has beef and onion,and is just 10 RMB for 15 dum...

小学一年级英语怎么教一、全面激发学习兴趣,而不是一味强迫; 二、注重发音与表达的标准,而不是高分与做题; 三、从实际表达中学具体知识点,而非单独讲解。孩子学习在线外教一对一辅导班效果也是不错的...

谁能给我人教版一年级到六年级的英语单词表急求!西红柿 tomato 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子 shaddock (pomelo) 橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃 cherry 桃子peach 梨 pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣...

语文五年级下册第二单元测试卷人教版小学五年级下册语文第二单元测试卷答案 班级: 姓名: 一:看拼音写汉字。(10分) Jǔ jué fáng ài pēi tāi tiān fù jiǎo jìn nǎo shī ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Huò huàn chī...
