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[人教版小学英语四年级上册英语单词mp3]只有单词,没有听力,不知道行不行~四年级英语上册Unit1 May I have…? 单词:apen(钢笔),aballpen(圆珠笔),apencil(铅笔), apencilbox(铅笔盒),apencilcase(笔袋),aruler(尺) apencilsharpener(卷笔...+阅读

小学英语六年级上册期末测试卷 Name Number Score Listening Part.(听力部分)40% I. Listen and choose.(选择你所听到的内容,并把序号写在括号里。)8%( ) 1. A. RIY B. IRY C. LRI( ) 2. A. 4971 B. 7491 C. 4179( ) 3. A. wait B. what C. white( ) 4. A. right B. light C. night( ) 5. A. bus B. bike C. bag( ) 6. A. / f / B. / v / C. / m /( ) 7. A. / k æt/ B. / kait / C. /ka:t/( ) 8. A. /bu:ts/ B. / buks/ C. /puts/ II. Listen and order.(按听到的顺序给下列图片排序,填阿拉伯数字.)10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Listen and choose.(听问句,选择适当的答句。)6% ( ) 1. A. I go to school on foot. B. He goes to work by bus.( ) 2. A. Yes, he does. B.Yes, he is.( ) 3. A. It's near the cinema. B.It's near the post office.( ) 4. A.We're going after lunch. B. We're going to visit my grandparents.( ) 5. A. It comes from the vapour. B. It comes from the sun.( ) 6. A. I'm going to buy a book.. B. I'm going next weekend.IV. Listen and arrange. (听音,给句子排序。)6%( )What should you do then?( )It's easy, first, put the seeds in the soil.( )What are you going to do after school?( )How do you do that?( )I'm going to plant flower seeds.( )Water it. In several days ,you can see the sprout.V.Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的词填空。) 10% sometimes right stop first soil yellow usually milk straight comes1. at a red light. Wait at a light.2. -----How do you do that? ----- ,put the seeds in the .3. Turn left at the police station, then go . It's on the .4.------Where does the come from?------It from the cows.5. I go to school by bike . I go by bus. Writing Part. (笔试部分)60% VI.Read and tick or cross.(判断单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“* ”。)8% ( ) 1. read stream ( ) 2. west we ( ) 3. student sun ( ) 4. zoo book ( ) 5. shorts work ( ) 6. cat taxi ( ) 7. who where ( ) 8. pig big VII.Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词.)10%1. ( ) A. actor B. plane C. teacher D. engineer2. ( ) A. cloud B. rain C. vapour D. green3. ( ) A. cleaner B. bookstore C.supermarket D. shoe store 4. ( ) A. bus B.singer C. plane D. subway5. ( ) A. east B. west C. straight D. south6. ( ) A. drink B. today C. tomorrow D. tonight7. ( ) A. river B. turn C. sea D. stream8. ( ) A. ride B. dive C.teach D.driver9. ( ) A. day B. June C. week D. month10. ( ) A. fresh B. fish C. salty D. sweet VIII.Read and choose.(选择填空).10%( )1. -----What's your hobby? ----- .A. I like reading books B. I am reading a book C. I can read a book( )2. ----What's he doing?----He's__________.A. flying a kite B. makes a kite C. watch TV( )3. ----Does your aunt ___________? ----Yes, she does.A. cooking the meals B. teach math C. washes the clothes( ) 4. I am an accountant. I enjoy _____very much. A. math B. music C. art( ) 5.----Are they drinking water? ---- . A. Yes, there are. B. No, they aren't. C. Yes , they can.( ) 6.In England ,drivers drive on the ______ side of the road.A. right B. left C. east( ) 7. The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights:_______ A. blue, red, green B red, orange, green C.red, yellow, green( ) 8.______ means wait. A .Red B .Yellow C. Green( ) 9.------What are you going to buy ? ------ A.I am going to a hospital. B. I am going at 3:00. C. I am going to buy some story books.( ) 10.-----Does she work in a car company? ----- . A. No, he doesn't. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, she does.IX.Read and match.(根据问句选择答句)5%( ) 1.How can I get to the park? A. I like diving.( ) 2.Where does he work? B. You can go there by the No.8 bus.( ) 3.Where is the school? C. I'm going to the park.( ) 4.What are you going to do D. It's north of the bank. this afternoon? E. He works in a hospital. ( ) 5.What's your hobby? X. Read and choose.(选词填空)7 % When Where What Who How Why Which1. season do you like best?I like spring best.2. ________ can I get to the zoo?You can ride a bike there.3. _________ do you go to school on foot?Because my home is near.4.______ are you going after lunch?I am going to the bookstore.5._______ are you going? I am going at 4 o'clock.6._______ are you going to do? I am going to play football.7. _______are you going to play with? My brother.XI.Read and choose. (情景对话。)5% A. What are you going to buy? B. I'm going to Sanjiang Supermarket. C. Where are you going? D. I'm going to buy some books. E. Can I have a new dress and a pair of new shoes ? Mom: Liu Yun, Children's Day is coming. _______ Liu Yun: ________ Mom: Are you going to buy something?Liu Yun: Yes. Mom: ________ Liu Yun : I like reading. ______ Mom: What kind of books? Liu Yun: Some storybooks. Mom: What else? Liu Yun: _______ Mom: Sure. Liu Yun: Thank ...


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