

03月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有谁愿意帮我写一份安检部学期计划急需谢谢了]转眼一个学期又过去了,新的学期如期而至。 回顾上学期的工作,有收获,也有很多阻碍;总结了许多经验,也发现仍有许多不足。上学期检查出了许多热得快、以及少量的电饭锅等违章电器,...+阅读

Study Plan My name is XXX, a current student of XX program of XXX University. There were over XXX students in our program and I have studied it for XXyears. During these years of studying in XXX, I realize that it is more challenging than I had imagined which makes me more interested in XXXX. Even I was studying hard and got good grades, but still, I found myself lack of advanced knowledge management. Therefore, it makes me become more and more expect to studying XXUniversity in Canada. I have a warm family and my parents are very supportive, they are willing to financially support my further education in Canada. There are three main reasons why I want to continue my Bachelor degree in this university. Firstly, recalling my knowledge, in Canada, there are two dominant languages, one is English and the other is French. xxxxxxxxxx(你自己加点)Secondly, project involved XXX, which are matches with my study interest. Lastly, compared to studying in China, pursuing my study in Canada will accelerate myself personal growth, including facilitating the development of confidence and self-reliance. xxxxx(你自己加点) For all the hard working I wish to finish my Bachelor degree in Canada with interesting memory. I plan to keep a journals to write down every remarkable second in these 2 years in Canada. I also want to enrich my knowledge in Management, especially Foreign Tourism Management. I am planning to come back to China after I complete my study in Canada. Firstly, it is known that XXXhas been always reaching the top in the field of travel agencies. I will be pleased if I could find a position in XXX. Secondly, learning in Canada will enhance my competency and it also gives me a better competitive edge over the most of my peers, so I am confident that I will be able to find a good position here after graduate from XXX. Lastly, My parents are another reason that I will be return to my hometown after graduation. They always give me support and love with no conditions. As for me, happiness is when I am with people who love me for who am I. The pursuit of happiness is a common pursuit, perhaps I could have an enjoyed comfortable live as academics in the west, but instead I decided to return to where I belong. Because I firmly believe that as China's economic power continues to grow, it should also have cultural and political influence as well. This is the right place to start my career and stay I think.湖北友好留学自1998年起从事办理专业加拿大留学服务 拥有加拿大数十所中学和大学授权代理 学校录取率高达99%整体签证率常年保持95%以上





回答者: 凯域留学咨询


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