

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[免费空间背景音乐]只要有就可以 什么钻也不用的! 1:进入空间音乐盒--添加背景音乐—添加网络音乐 2:打开,在MP3输入栏中输入你想添加的音乐,搜索。 3:点击每首歌后的试听按钮,进行一一试听,选择(缓冲速...+阅读

歌曲:The Reason 歌手:Hoobastank

i'm not a perfect person

as many things i wish i didn't do

but i continue learning

i never meant to do those things to you

and so i have to say before i go

that i just want you to know

i've found a reason for me

to change who i used to be

a reason to start over new

and the reason is you

i'm sorry that i hurt you

it's something i must live with everyday

and all the pain i put you through

i wish that i could take it all away

and be the one who catches all your tears

thats why i need you to hear

i've found a resaon for me

to change who i used to be

a reason to start over new

and the reason is you

i'm not a perfect person

i never meant to do those things to you

and so i have to say before i go

that i just want you to know

i've found a reason for me

to change who i used to be

a reason to start over new

and the reason is you

i've found a reason to show

a side of me you didn't know

a reason for all that i do

and the reason is you



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