

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[巧手巧心——现代智力七巧板学习体会]宁波经济技术开发区幼儿园刘梦圆, 顽童以他纤巧的手指,一块一块摆弄不息;而后撅起嘴巴转向图纸,半嗔半恼地发现辛苦都是白费。 现代智力七巧板不仅吸引着孩童们摆弄它,同样也吸引...+阅读

My summer vacation life is rich and colorful, to participate in community service, to attend remedial classes in the summer, of course, also visited many places.

I have many harvest in summer remedial class, the teacher are very amiable, and very patiently taught us.In the classes,I have met with many new friends, they are very interesting, and i am very happy study with them. we help and inspire each other. Although the summer remedial class took me a long time, but I feel it's worth it."Grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood",that is the reason.

I also feel heartfelt happy for my progress. I think, when it come to

the next semester, I will be improved. My family and I went to the beach during the summer which ,of course, is to go to the beach, lying on the beach, sea breeze blowing cool, mouth is full of ice cream, it is indescribably happy. Work and rest is a good way to learn. Occasionally one has to relax and to have the energy to continue to learn. In a word, my summer vacation life might be like this.



全省园长培训班学习体会总结2009年1月30日 2月8日,我有幸参加了省教育厅委托山东省师范大学主办的园长培训班。虽然刚报到时部分与会园长依然沉浸在兴致昂然的节日气氛中,远离亲人的思念与牵挂时时萦绕在...
