

03月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何写公文怎样才能写好公文]如何写好公文 公文的概念 在科学技术突飞猛进,经济竞争日趋激烈,人类社会快步走向信息时代的今天,公文在为党政机关、人民团体和企事业单位实施领导、处理公务、沟通信息、联系...+阅读


讲起来很生动和自然(2)最好是讲自己的故事。讲自己的故事很熟悉,就算忘词了,也可以想到简单的词语代替。比如,我过去演讲都是很随意的,也完全没有技巧自从接触了头马演讲俱乐部之后,我知道了 最好是讲自己的故事或者他人的故事引入。我一共做了4个备稿演讲。当我分享自己的故事。就算记不住内容,只要是记住了关键词,一样可以面带笑容,全程把演讲做完。

前一段时间,有一个女孩,她做英语演讲,演讲的是一个哲理故事,自己不熟悉,事先也没有很多时间背很多遍的文章。 讲到1/4就进行不下去了,在舞台上,拼命的想,最后还看了稿子,但是也没有完成。我看到她眼眶都红了,只好匆匆说抱歉就下去了。(3)避免废话,要不就是开门见山,直接说明主题。要不就是引入我或者身边人的一个故事。



(5)演讲还需要有明确的目的,是说服,教育,信息,还是其他。 演讲的目的清晰,这个是英语演讲的书籍里提到的。一个演讲只能有一个明确的目的,围绕这个目的去展开。观点鲜明,就很好。做好英语演讲,比起中文演讲更难,因为还需要留意句子的表达。最好大部分是短句子,这样容易表达清晰,但是也要适当地添加一些长句子,让整个英语演讲优美。



写奥林匹克有关的吧可以写福娃,可以写国人为2008所做的积极准备,比如学外语什么的E.GFive Olympic mascots were unveiled exatly 1000 days before the Beiling Olympic opening ceremony . The long--anticipated mascots feature four of China's most popular animals--the fish,the panda,the Tibrtan antelope and the swallow .The fifth mascot is the brightly burning Olympic flame. Each of the mascots has a repeated two-syllable name. This type of name is a traditional way of showing affection for children in China.BeiBei is the fish,JingJing is the panda , HuanHuan is the Olympic flame,YingYing is the Tibetan antelope and NiNi is the swallow.When their names are put together---they say "Welcome to Beijing".The five elements of nature,including the sea,forest,fire,earth and sky are found in the mascot's origins and headpieces. These special headpieces also display the uniqur folk and culture of China. Each mascot also symbolizes a different blessing ---prosperity,happiness,passion,health and good luck. It is the first time more than three mascots will share the important duty of representing their host country .Han Meilin,chief of the mascot design team explained that ,"China has such a profound and diversified culture that no single mascot could possibly represent it !That is why we chose to produce five mascots instesd of one 正值北京奥运会开幕式前整整一千天之际,五个奥运会吉祥物揭开了神秘的面纱。




Summer day, we went to Zhujiajian saw sand sculpture. This year's sand sculpture theme is "sand sculpture of Disney."

We sat ship to zhujiajian, and rode the car to the Spratly Islands. Yeah, there were so many people ah! Crowded, packed roads packed. We bought the tickets, ran eagerly to see the sand sculptures. The sand sculpture is divided into "Welcome to Disneyland, Disney's classic scenes, Disney's classic movie magic and adventure games" four parts. That sand sculpture grotesque, a wide range. Lifelike characters, vivid scenes, I feel like really came to the Disney fairy tale world.

First presented in front of Mickey Mouse - Mickey. She opened her arms, as if to say: "Welcome to the Disney theme park sand sculpture." We walked, I saw Sleeping Beauty lying quietly in bed, his calm, standing next to a handsome prince. This brings to mind the "Sleeping Beauty" story. "Look, Snow White!" Mom pointing to, and sure enough, I saw seven adorable dwarfs standing in front of a house, that house lifelike, like structures made of wood. Good beautiful Snow White and they lived happily. I walked and saw a car. Yeah, really cool! It has a pair of sparkling eyes, Fang Fang body, cute. I really want to sit in the car go ah! I saw a log cabin, filled with former wooden boxes made of wood, there is an Indian standing in front. I thought: Well lifelike it! Sculpture carved out of people is how? So delicate, so lively, so interesting. It took much effort ah! After reading the sand sculpture, I play sand. I piled up a big cake and a bottle of cocoa powder.

Time is not late, I reluctantly left the sand sculpture Disneyland. I thought: sand sculpture artists can be too much, even to such prosaic sand became so exquisite works of art, I really admire it!


展开全部Topic: Natural DisastersDirections: Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated in about 300 words. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g. flood, drought, tornado, volcano eruption, earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, or landslide) that affects the environment, and brings financial, environmental and human losses. We can see many natural disasters occurring at home and abroad recently, huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives. Those natural disasters urge us to reconsider our beliefs and behavior toward our mother nature when we seek for clothes, food, and sheltering etc. Therefore, what is your attitude toward the natural disasters? What shall we do to prevent us from being simply destroyed? What kind of role did we play in the causes of those dreadful disasters? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.



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