

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语商务函电的邀请函]Dear XX, You are kindly invited to the diner at Sichuan Restaurant at 19:00, the 10th of December, 2012 for the celebration of the founding of Xihua Import and...+阅读

Dear Mr.Brook, December,22nd,2008 Above all,thank you for your cooperating these years.Besides,my company HBS will promote a new production and will hold a meeting to recommend the new production in the China International Restaurant on January,16th in 2001.We invite you to attend the meeting and hope sincerely that you can come. Best wishes, Wang Ming 呵呵,楼主,我水平不很高啦,你凑合着用吧!


Dear Prof.Morrion,

English Language Department would like to extend to you an invitation to be guest speaker on Saturday, May 13th.Speech Content is about English Literature.We could change the speech content if you find the content is not fit you.

We have been invited several scholars from different countries and also had have Several interesting speeches.

We also look forward to having your speech.


* * *


Dear White, Robert

Hello. I'm Southwest, the Architecture Department leads, dean.

My name is wang yong. I'd like to invite you to October 12, 15 days to the school, to discuss academic, and make the speech.'t Conference theme is "building better life".

I sincerely hope you can answer my invitation, as soon as possible so that we can arrange the meeting agenda.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wang yong




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