

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托福综合写作模板]北外托福为你提供综合写作模板 1. in the lecture, the professor made several points about ...... .the professor argues that..... However, the reading passage cont...+阅读

诺,典型的正反两段论,每一句代表一个结构,你把里面有用的话剔除掉,剩下的就是一个很好的模板。我不能标红,不过找句子结构很容易,你就自己做吧,比如 have been and are still going to be doing就算一个。科学家应该对他们发现所带来的负面影响负责。From nuclear bombs to nuclear power plants, works of scientists have been and are still going to be offering mankind blessings as well as curses.While some, if not many, critics argue that scientists should be responsible for their sins to mankind, others deem that such judgment might not be fair.Personally, I concur/reckon/consider that scientists should not be blamed.It is understandable why many folks might think scientists should be held accountable for consequences/aftermath they have caused.Such consequences sometimes could be so catastrophic/disastrous/severer/serious/bad that scientists themselves could not even take the responsibility, therefore, they should be aware of their obligation before starting/commencing/initiating/embarking on their pursuit of discoveries.If scientists do not have to be responsible for their actions, then, they might experiment regardless of potential threats/risks.If they are made to be responsible for their programs, then, they might treat their programs with more cautions and cares, which could, hopefully, avoid most potential threats/hazards to human race.In spite of the fact thatscientists should shoulder certain responsibility for their creations, it would be unfair to only hold them guilty for what has happened.Most of times, their original purpose behind their researches is to benefit human beings./Sometimes, disastrous consequences might not their original purpose, unfortunately. Owning to the fact that scientist themselves might not be the one who are applying/utilizing/tapping into their inventions hence they might not possess the power to decide whether such inventions could be used in a benign or hostile way and consequently some of such inventions might have been used in a catastrophic manner.Nuclear power has been discovered in the purpose of solving energy crisis, which can be a shameful example.Einstein himself could not have imagined that it could be used as a weapon of massive destruction.To sum up, I agree that scientists could shoulder a certain part of responsibility to guide/navigate them through shallow water.Nonetheless/Nevertheless, I dare not agree scientists should be the only group blamed for unwanted consequence.Only if scientists could be encouraged/motivated, instead of being threatened, to invent and discover can they better contribute to the evolution of our world.


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求托福综合写作模板综合写作模板1. in the lecture, the professor made several points about ...... .the professor argues that..... However, the reading passage contends that ......T...

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