

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何写作完美的雅思大作文开头]大作文要求字数至少达到250字,在写作中考虑到字数的合理安排,美联出国考试建议第一段最好写3-5句话,大约40字左右,并且切忌在第一段就掏心掏肺把什么话都说完。 大作文开首方式...+阅读

There is no doubt that people's aspiration to success is important and it guides people through the process towards their goals. Being ambitious is considered to be the essential quality of successful people. In my point of view, ambition brings about advantages as well as disadvantages in people's life. 毫无疑问,人们对成功的渴望是重要的,它引导人们实现他们的目标。雄心壮志被认为是成功人士的必备素质。

在我看来,雄心壮志给人们的生活带来了好处和坏处。 People with strong ambition tend to set high goals in their study or work and devote themselves to achieving these goals. With enthusiasm to their study or work, they are more self-disciplined and self-motivated than those who have less desire for success. When met with hardships, ambitious people show more courage and determination to overcome the barriers, as they cannot put up with failure. In addition, since competition is getting fierce in every aspect of our life, people with high ambition are more likely to adapt to the society and defeat their rivals. 志向远大的人往往在学习或工作中设定很高的目标,并致力于实现这些目标。

他们对自己的学习或工作充满热情,比那些对成功不那么渴望的人更有自律和自我激励。当遇到困难时,有抱负的人会表现出更多的勇气和决心克服障碍,因为他们不能忍受失败。此外,由于竞争在我们生活的各个方面都越来越激烈,野心勃勃的人更有可能适应社会并击败竞争对手。 However, ambition may cause negative impacts in some circumstances if not handled properly. For instance, it is common that people in big cities are stressed in their work as they fail to strike a balance between work and other parts of life. Many people are over-burdened with tasks, striving for higher salary and promotion. Similarly, sense of competition is a double-edged sword. Some people are so eager for personal success that their behavior may jeopardize other people's interest. As a result, their relationship with colleagues becomes tense, which is harmful to their career development in the long term. 然而,如果处理不当,野心可能会在某些情况下造成负面影响。

例如,大城市的人们在工作中感到压力,因为他们无法在工作和生活的其他方面取得平衡。许多人的工作负担过重,努力争取更高的薪水和晋升。同样,竞争意识是一把双刃剑。有些人非常渴望个人的成功,他们的行为可能会危及他人的利益。因此,他们与同事的关系变得紧张,这对他们长期的职业发展是有害的。 To sum up, ambition gives people an advantage in terms of coping with challengers on their way to towards success, but people should also be aware of the negative effects of being over-ambitious. The key is to realistic ideals and work step by step to realize them. 总而言之,雄心壮志给了人们在通往成功的道路上应对挑战的优势,但人们也应该意识到过于雄心壮志的负面影响。



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