

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思作文开头模板]第一句,总结某某现象,是不是变得更有争议了,或者某某东西是不是变得更加重要了。(我感觉是一句废话) 第二句,就是你说的,某某认为怎样,然而某某又认为不然。 第三句,personally,或者As...+阅读



What is a culture?Although there is no an agreement about the definitionof culture,people generally consider it to be the ways people eat,play,dress,drink,think,and work.When one person travels in a foreign country,the foreign culture is not necessarily completely incompatiblewith his or her native ways.Therefore,it is not always true to do in Rome as a Roman Does.

If one travels in a public culture,that is,where the social order,economic and other relationships between people are maintained by laws rather than by custom or kinship,it is safe for the traveler to do things in his or her own ways,because the public culture welcomes different or even conflict opinions,people,and ways.Take New York,the big pot,as a typical case in point.In this city everybody has an angle and everyone has the right to do whatever delights him or her in cast that it is not illegal.

If one travels in a folk culture,however,it is better to do in Rome as Romans do.A folk culture is a culture featured by clans,kinships,and customs.In a folk culture different ways of doing things are less welcomed.In such a culture,if one remains his or her own ways of doing things,hardly can he or she be able to enjoy the journey.Worse,the traveler might be in the deep troubled water.

Therefore,whether one must follow the new ways of doing things and whether one must keep the native culture depend on a variety of specific conditions.




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