

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


Dear Mr.XXXX(Dean)

This is first year of my university life and I'm currently taking electrical and electronic engineering course. After first semester studying, I feel very stressful that I found this area of studying is too hard for me and I lost interest in this course completely. I realized the situation is quite critical for me at the moment and I tried several ways to gain my motivation in this electronic area and doesn't seem to be worked. The only subject I studied very well is a commerce subject “Micro-Economics” which as an elective for my course. I feel more than happy if I can just take all the commerce subjects in next semester, which means I have to change my course. I understand it's an unusual case among all the students and might causing trouble for the faculty, but is there any chance that I can change my EEE course to commerce please? Or is there any alternative way you would like to suggest? Hope this won't be too late since the next semester hasn't started yet. sorry for the trouble again and thanks for the help, you reply will be appreciated.

yours sincerely


XXXXX(student number or ID)




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