

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com


你好,很高兴为你解答: Task 2的段首和结尾填空式写法段首句:

(一)对立观点命题形式的首句: 1. Many people do not doubt that A is superior to B , while others think quite differently on the issue of _____. Personally, I stand on the side of A . 2. Some people say A , other people argue B . In a word , _____. But I cannot agree this point of view for many reasons. 3. There are different views concerning this topic . Some people like to CHOOSE A , some prefer to CHOOSE B . Personally , I prefer B . I think B has more advantages. 4. From my point of view , it is more advisable to CHOOSE A than to CHOOSE B . 5. Despite the fact that most people prefer A , I would like to choose B because the following reasons . 6. In general , I prefer to _____ . 7. As far as I am concerned , I would like to prefer _____ . 8. When it comes to _____ , most people tend to believe A . But others consider B as _____ . 9. When asked about _____ , the vast majority of people would support that A . But others regard B as _____ . 10. At the risk of address the issue too direct , I prefer A because I think that _____ . 11. When asked about _____ , many people give their opinions that _____ , but other people may see _____ differently . 12. When faced with _____ , quite a few would claim that _____ , but others , in contrast , deem _____ as _____ . 13. When inquired about _____ , the vast majority of people would like to _____ , but other people , who hold an opposite view , consider _____ as _____ . 14. When _____ is mentioned _____ , most people believe that _____ , but other people would rather think _____ as _____ . 15. While many people may stick to me idea that _____ , I would like to prefer _____ .

(二)单一观点式 A . Agree 1. One of the greatest writers once said that _____ . Now , it still has its significant realistic values . 2. I would follow the reasoning that _____ . 3. Many people advocate that _____ . They claim that _____ . My opinion is the same as theirs in the following reasons . 4. I totally agree with the statement that _____ . The reasons are presented below . 5. After pondering this question on many occasions , I finally reached the conclusion that _____ is something worthy to do and I cannot skip it . 6. my arguments for point are listed as follows. 7. I agree with the above statement because _____ . 8. Nowhere in the world has the issue of _____ been so much debated like in our society . 9. I agree with the statement that _____ without reservation because _____ . 10. Thinking logically , I can only say that the title statement is valid because _____ . 11. I fully support the statement above because I am very sure that _____ . 12. Some may hold the opinion that AAA . But others have a negative attitude . As far as I am concerned , I agree that _____ . 13. Many one have the idea that AAA . However , many others disagree with this argument . But both side of the problem whether _____ are supported by good reasons . 14. Recently , it has been much debated over the problem of AAA . Those who object to AAA announce that _____ . But those who favor AAA utter a sonorous voice that _____ . 15. Recently , there is vehement discussion on the issue of _____ . Those who criticize _____ argue that _____ . They claim that _____ . But people who firmly advocate _____ , on the other hand , argue that _____ . 16. There is a much-debated problem today about _____ . Those who object to _____ argue that _____ . They are very sure about _____ . But people who prefer _____ , on the other hand , claim that _____ . ………………………… 祝你好运,取得理想雅思成绩!!! 如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~


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