
新概念英语第一册Lesson 139 Is that you, John

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中班下半学期英语教学计划]中班下半学期英语教学计划 学习外语的传统方法根深蒂固.在当今社会对英语的重视程度是很高的,对于幼儿来说及早接触到英语锻炼他们的听说能力是有百利而无一害的.初学英语要...+阅读


extra adj. 额外的

overseas adj. 海外的,国外的

engineering n. 工程

pany n. 公司

line n. 线路

★extra adj. 额外的

① adj. 额外的;外加的;另外收费的

Could you get an extra bottle of milk? 请你再拿一瓶牛奶好吗?

On Sundays, she always gets some extra sleep.


Guests at this hotel can use the gym at no extra cost.


② adv. 额外地;另外

He usually works extra on weekends. 他通常在周末加班。

They’ll charge you extra for room service.


She is extra nice to her colleagues these days.


★overseas adj. 海外的,国外的

① adj. 海外的;国外的

The universit recruits a large number of overseas students each year.


The small country depends heily on its overseas trade.


② adv. 在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外

John is going to work overseas soon. 约翰不久就要出国工作了。

He has never been overseas. 他还从未出过国。


GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John?

JOHN SMITH: Yes, speaking.

GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening.

JOHN SMITH: I'm afraid I don't understand.

GRAHAM TURNER: Hasn't Mary told you?

She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.

I said I would be at your house at six o'clock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work.

GRAHAM TURNER: I'll he to stay at the office. I don't know when I'll finish.

Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.

JOHN SMITH: I don't know what you're talking about.

GRAHAM TURNER: That is John Smith, isn't it?

JOHN SMITH: Yes, I'm John Smith.

GRAHAM TURNER: You are John Smith, the engineer, aren't you?

JOHN SMITH: That's right.

GRAHAM TURNER: You work for the Overseas Engineering pany, don't you?

JOHN SMITH: No, I don't.

I'm John Smith the telephone engineer and I'm repairing your telephone line.


Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.

by the way 顺便(问、说一下),说话者忽然想到另一件事的时候用此来表示改变话题。


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