

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有关商务英语函电回信]只是一种不见或者见了也不认识它的材料吧,也就是虽然穿在身上,但是不知道他叫什么,我看了那个汉字我也不认识,主要是太专业了。 柯林斯英汉双解大辞典 serge /sɜːdʒ/ 1. 不可...+阅读

Dear ___,

Good day!

We are interested in importing your garden chairs named swan.

Please offer us CIF price, discount and delivery detailed information. If catalogues are available, plese send to us as well.

Also, if you have other products that have not been exported to UK market, please introduce to us, if it is possible, please send us sample, we hope it would be good start of a mutual beneficial business, we will promise to consider your offers.


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关于英语的一篇外贸函电重新报价外贸函电范文 一. 如何表达在涨价前订货 Thank you for your letter of October 10 for business copiers. We are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the new...


外贸中给老客户降价要怎么写邮件你是因为什么原因降价就怎么写啊。比如,原材料下调。Dear Sir, Glad to tell you a good news that we could reduce the price quoted XXX (报价日期) you because the raw ma...

谁能提供些外贸函电的范例啊Dear Mr. Jones: Thank you for your inquiry dated April 9. Regarding the product you are looking for, currently our factory doesn't have the exact specification...

询问运输情况的外贸函电信函怎么写Dear …: Re: Your L/C No. 5757 covering your Order No. 134 Thank you for your extension of your L/C No. 5757. Today we shipped the above consignment on board S.S...
