

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[单词体育的英文怎么读]体育的英文:sports 词汇解析 sports 英 [spɔːts] 美 [spɔrts] n. 运动;运动会;突变;娱乐 adj. 运动的;适用于运动的 v. 娱乐;戏弄 例:You like sports while I like reading. 你...+阅读

SPECIMEN:ASKING FOR LOWERING THE PRICE Dear Sirs, RE:COUNTER-OFFER FOR BICYCLES Thank you for your letter about the offer for the captioned bicycles。 Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles, their price is too high to be acceptable 。Refering to the Sales Confirmation No。 89SP-754,you will find that we ordered 1000bicycles with same brand as per the terms and conditions stipulated in that Sales Comfirmation, but the price was 10%lower than your present price。 Sinece we placed the last order,price for raw materials has been decreased consider ablely。Retailing price for your bicycles here has also been reduced by 5%。 Accepting your present price will mean great loss to us , let alone profit。We would like to place repeat orders with you if you could reduce your price at least by 1。 5%。Otherwise, we have to shift to the other suppliers for our similar request。We hope you take our suggestion into serious consideration and give us your reply as soon as possible yours truely。


龟虽寿英文版谁能翻译龟虽寿的英文版我要朗诵诗歌急!神龟虽然长寿 神龟的寿命虽然十分长久,但也还有生命终了的时候。 螣蛇尽管能乘雾飞行,终究也会死亡化为土灰。 年老的千里马伏在马棚里,它的雄心壮志仍然是一日驰骋千里。 有远...

d开头英文单词带d开头的单词有哪些dad 爸爸 date 日期 daily 日常的 day 白天 damage 破坏 days 时代 dance 跳舞 damn 该死 dawn 黎明 danger 危险 dangerous 危险的 data 数据 DE desk 书桌 delete 删除 de...

有哪些好听的dj英文1.time to rock (很多人极力推荐的DJ,不得不听呀!) 2.yeah - 亚瑟小子 超级好听! 3.walking in the sun 4.Dance Now凤舞九天 5开场曲5.sound of my dream 超hi英文版 6.stand 很...

跪求一些DJ版超好听的DJ英文全部手打 我这现从自己的播放器里抄的stupid girl(remix)——Pink sweet dreams(remix)——Beyonce Knowles low——Flo Rida born this way—— Lady Gaga yeah——Usher b...

有什么英文歌比较好听的DJ: Can't Get You Out Of My Hea``` sky 英文 disco Cascada - Bad Boy god is a gril(加快+DJ) Stand`朱儿 cascada_miracle ready for love can't stop the rain Always Co...

有什么DJ英文歌好听的Put Your Hands Up In The Air J. K. - You Got Me Dancing (Original Radio Edit) Tu Vivi Nell\'Aria Janardana Feat. Miss Love - I Got You Sha La Li Li La 2008最新...

超好听的DJ英文其实歌这个东西存在很大的主观感受的。 正所谓萝卜青菜各有所爱。我喜欢的你不一定喜欢。 我推荐的这些不是最新的,但都是超级经典的。 有些你肯定听过,或者熟悉。会勾起你很...

有什么好听的DJ英文1.stay——tonya mitchell(这首歌,我只能是说,吥听是你的损失) 2.its not goodbye_________laura pausini(不知道为什麽这首歌是怎么听都听不厌啊,听著听著,思绪飘得很远。悲伤啊) 3...

2010全美音乐大奖概况英文介绍2010全美音乐奖获奖名单 年度艺人(ARTIST OF THE YEAR) Justin Bieber 最具突破艺人(BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST) Justin Bieber 流行/摇滚类(POP/ROCK) 最受欢迎男歌手(Favorite Male Ar...
