
雅思口语范文 describe a person in the news you would like to meet急

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语介绍自己性格范文]之前我咨询了很多家 比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好. 我选择了ABC天卞英语中心 他们是专门做企业辅导的 推荐去听下他们的轻松试听课程,货比三家嘛;我也来贡献一些:version 01...+阅读

Nicholas Vujicic is an Australian preacher and motivational speaker. He was born with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability. At the age of seventeen, he started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. Moreover, Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, and hope.

I want to meet him since I admire him a lot. I believe nothing can be more difficult or harder than Nicholas Vujicic's situation. He is the guy living beyond his limitation. He learned to write using the two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He lives like a normal human being, throwing tennis balls, playing drum pedals and surfing in the ocean. Nicholas Vujicic is my panacea and motivation when I encounter bad situation. Also, I believe he is a spiritual leader with mighty power for anyone.


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