

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[个人自荐书范文]尊敬的领导: 我是一个机关白领。人们都说我是个人才,本领很大。我觉得自己在机关工作是一种人才浪费,我要干一番大事业,以此证明我的自身价值。所以现在我毛遂自荐,向社会求职。...+阅读

Dear Sir: I have read your advertisement in yesterday's China Daily.I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.I am 19 years old and good health.After graduation from a middle school.I have studied English For six years.I studied bookkeeping,typewriting and public relations.I am good at both operating PC and English in listening and speaking.I am interested in the position of secretary. I want very much to be accepted by your company.I'll work hard if I can be a member in your company XXX _______________________________________________________________ 亲爱的先生: 我看了你们登在昨天的China Daily上的广告.我觉得我将适合你们公司所需要的职位.我今年19岁,身体状况良好.我学习过簿记,打字和公共关系.我擅长于使用PC电脑和英语听说.我对这份秘书职位感兴趣. 我非常希望你们公司能接受我.如果我能成为你们公司的一员的话,我会努力地工作. 某某某


简历英文和中文!服装跟单员谢谢!Rusume-2006(简历) (PHOTO) (name) (addres) (tel or contect way) Birth date: Sex: Objective(面试职位):Documentory salesman of Dress Eduction(教育): Degree(学位): Subjects(所学...

英文辞职信怎么写Date 负责人 职位 地址 电话 Letter of Resignation Dear XX, It is to my regret to inform you that I am rendering my resignation effective from <日期>. I would l...

谁能提供英文写的辞职信模版不胜感激用这个模板吧 Letter of Resignation Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Date Name Title Organization Address City, Sta...

美服的LOL求一些基本英文用语我玩过一段时间美服 我把我记得的一些告诉你。 首先是分路,top,mid,bot.比如说你要上单你就说,I go top.英雄种类有ADC,APC,Jungle(打野),support(辅助). 还有一个很重要的单词ward...

怎样赏析英文诗歌可以通过自己翻译 翻译是一种很好的品味/解析语言的方法 英文诗要从它的词语隐含的意思去欣赏,还要结合作者的背景和想表达的东西。多读几遍就会发现不同的感觉。 不过千万不...

跪求!英文诗歌赏析This is a famous poem by William Worthsworth, the representative of the Passive Romantic poets, who expressed the deepest asppirations of English Romanticism. T...


我想一篇英文暑假总结急急急Summary of Summer Vacation Time always slips away, the end of summer vacation is around the corner. Besides finished my homework, I did a lot of meaningful thin...

谁可以用英文来给我写一篇假期总结A new start of my life The summer vacation has soon gone with the wind,there was nothing but the pleasant memory of the holiday was still living in my mind." How...
