

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[找一首名家名篇现代诗带赏析的急!再别康桥除外]天上的街市 郭沫若 远远的/街灯/明了, 好像/闪着/无数的/明星。 天上的/明星/现了, 好像/点着/无数的/街灯。 我想那/缥缈的/空中, 定然有/美丽的/街市。 街市上/陈列的/一些/...+阅读

This is a famous poem by William Worthsworth, the representative of the Passive Romantic poets, who expressed the deepest asppirations of English Romanticism. This poem is about the beauty of nature. There is vivid picture of the daffodils here, mixed with the poet's philosophical and somewhat mystical thoughts.It contains four six-lined stanzas of iambic tetrametre. The rime scheme in each stanza is A-B-A-B-C-C. "The Milky Way" in the second stanza refers to a broad belt of faint light, consisting of countless stars too faint to be seen separately and shining like a river across the sky at night. Here in this poem the long belt of daffodils are just like the Milky Way.



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