

04月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[影子游戏尝试将游戏与教学、科学与数学有机地结合]作者: 朱惠芬 背景:影子就在我们身边,但日常生活中我们未必会在意到它的存在,奥秘和趣味。幼儿对事物都有很大的好奇和兴趣,但这种好奇是对事物的直接兴趣,往往也是很无意识的,创...+阅读




Tree of life, there are three good friends, which is the shadow.In the morning, the shadow of the tree, standing in front of it, is thin and long.At noon, the shadow of the tree, standing behind it, is thick and long.The dusk, the shadow of the tree, stood beside it, is thin and short.In tree of life, there are three good friends and it was like peas and carrots, which is the shadow....


Personally think the game is more than entertaining , but like " Silent Hill " This game , even because of its connotations sparked a lot of players on a variety of cultural elements of religion , psychology , sociology, literature and other people to explore and learn , but through play WOW other European D & D game can also be the way to understand the culture . 2 , brains , training responsiveness . Relax, but also can improve IQ. 3 , that game is always a charm to attract me. Feels fun, like playing games so you can adjust my mood naturally . From the game can also know a lot of friends ( online games ) , reducing the pressure on , you can also learn about the history ( such as the Three Kingdoms ) , or exercise the brain ( brains and the like , such as Sokoban game ) , exercise eyesight ( Snake ) , exercise hand and brain coordination and cooperation , as well as reflecting ( KOF et action ) , another future social computer operation is essential, through the operation of a computer game could be better . 4 , can improve people of color and the ability to distinguish moving objects 5 , must pay attention to the team with a lot of games , so the person with the ability and sensitivity is good oh 6, there is a strong logic skills , because during the game there is often a lot of elements of puzzle , these are a good way to logical ability. 7 , is conducive to the formation of their own life and world view , the game of life and world view have little impact on the number of players , the players will combine according to their actual situation and the game , forming its own life and world view . 8 , some games can relax the brain , improve their emergency response capacity , coordination of the body. 9 , can practice typing speed , computer grade examination helpful 10 , increase the aesthetic ability to enhance editing capabilities, the game's image , animation and another game ( film , animation , etc. ) combine to create an "unprecedented " works . 11 , enhance communication skills, social practice can also help , such as playing a friend in the real world you can play friends online unfavorable , in order to increase the experience of playing a friend


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