
the game plan英文影评 150字左右

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小花影评范文600字]那是一个战火纷飞的年代,桐柏山区一户穷苦人家为生计卖掉了亲生女儿小花,之后又收养了一个转移红军留下的女婴,他们给这个女婴取名也叫小花。十几年后,小花(陈冲 饰)的哥哥赵永平(...+阅读

This movie was very good. It's a great family movie with the only purpose of entertaining people with that unique touch that only Disney can give. It has a very simple yet enjoyable story about a famous football player who's life is all about football, parties, women and his dog apparently a very good life but also a very lonely one when someday a girl appears at his door telling that he is her dad and there's where he must learn how to be a parent and at the same time to live. The cast is good. The Rock proves that he is more than an action hero, he also can do comedy in a very good way, the little girl Madison Pettis is so cute and his acting is great, she looks very natural. Roselyn Sanchez delivers a good supporting role as the girl's ballet teacher and Kyra Sedgwick although it was a short performance it was also very convincing. In conclusion, it is a very good family movie that you will enjoy.


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