

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇有关姓名班级学号专业等个人信息以及兴趣爱好的短文]《一篇有关姓名,班级学号,专业等个人信息以及兴趣爱好的短文》 我叫xxx,是xx省xx市xx县的学生,我有着一副平常的外表和一颗善良真诚的心灵。我个头虽然还不太高,但却有着一股执着...+阅读


I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will

change.For example: I will not go to schoool for study,I won't go out to

work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at

home to teach ourselves with computer.And I will go to work by my

computer. No matter where I want to go, I will only have a thought.I

will buy anything without anyone's help. I will buy all kinds of things

by internet. I will let my robbet help me do some house work.I think our

life will be more interesting and wonderful after twenty years.



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