

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


Being a volunteer is great! No. 1 Middle School is home to three special young people: Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang, who spend several hours helping other people every week. Xiao Hong loves reading, so after class she helps young children to read in a primary school. Xiao Ming is fond of animals and he works in an animal hospital every Saturday. Xiao Gang is good at singing, so in his spare time he sings for the patients at the city hospital to cheer them up. They think it worth spending time doing what they love to, and they feel happy about helping others. What fun it is to be a volunteer! 2 If I am an Olympic Volunteer I'm a middle school student. I can use English to communicate with foreign guests and foreign players. I will tell them China's history and culture. For example: The Great Wall. I will also tell them China's some scientific achievements. For example: Chinese train progress history. I can help Chinese players clean the house. Let them live in the clean house. I can also help them pick the balls, bring them towels , and clean clothes…… In all, I will try my best to help them. 3 I am a volunteer The Olympic Games will be opened up just after a month in 2008. Toady is the volunteer recruited day. I got up earlier than before, after breakfast, walked to the Olympic Village full of enthusiasm. The Olympic Village is very hilarious. All of the people are participating in the volunteer selected test. The test form mainly carries on interview which is different from my school's five teachers made a term in which one person asks the question and other four people recorded something on the paper. Because I have made enough preparation therefore the questions of teacher have not baffled me at all. From expression of teacher, I could guest that my answers were satisfied by them. No surprising, I passed the test. I will be a volunteer honorable. I was so excited that could not sleep that evening. The Olympic Games opening ceremony scene that I had seen before flashed in my head continually, imaging the scene which I was a volunteer in 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. I hold the red green a tour-guide flag walking along the Wangfujing Avenue, the French football team member were walking behind me. Look, Qi Danei, my favorite football star. Qi Danei kicked a football into the sky, the ball turned into the moon and hang in the sky, I was so excited and l shouted loudly. “Walk up!” It is my mother's sound. I opened my eyes. Oh, I just had a dream. What a nice dream!


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