

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2014考研英语真题哪本好?讲解详细长难句分析特棒]【红宝书】考研英语10年真题不错。 1.比别的图书条理清晰 2.讲解详细,别的图书大部分都是先给答案,结合答案讲题,此书相反,由题推理得出答案 3.简洁明了,重点突出 【红宝书】考研...+阅读

E: Ebru MB Mrs Bell E: Mrs Bell,can I ask you something? MB: yes, dear, of course .What do you want to know? E: I want to send these postcards to Turkey .I 've got ths stamps but I don't kn ow where to post them.Is there a postbox near here? MB: Now which is the nearest post box?Yes.I think the nearest is the one in front of the post office actually.Yes. You go our of the end of the road.then you turn right up to the top of the hill.At the top of the hill you turn left,and the post office is about the third shop on the left. The post box is just outside. E: Sorry,I didn't understand very well. Could you please say taht again more slowly? MB: Yes, Out of the house to the end of the raod. E: Yes. MB: Turn right up the hill. and at the top of the hill you turn left and the post box is about the third shop on the left. The post box is outside . E: Ok. you mean the post box is outside there. MB:That is right. E: Right .thank you . thank you os much. you are really helpful.


英语教育研究生英语研究生排名情况如下: 排名 学校名称 等级 排名 学校名称 等级 排名 学校名称 等级 1 北京大学 A+ 12 四川大学 A 23 清华大学 A 2 北京外国语大学 A+ 13 西南大学 A 24...



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