

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求初中英语易错知识点]我就按照我脑子里的, 写点给你吧 what can I do to you what can I do for you (这个挺搞笑的, 后者是 我可以为你做什么, 前者是, 我可以对你做什么。我们老师讲析的时候, 还坏笑...+阅读

随着商品经济和国际贸易的高度发展,商标的翻译变得愈加重要。 在一个竞争市场上,产品的商标是其中一个公司能达到成功的关键。 它确定 公司的印象、信用和经济实力。 一个成功的商标在开发国际市场和创造企业财富扮演一个引人注目的角色。中国和外国商标作为一文化现象,在社会生活中广泛存在,在企业商品的民众意识,推销活动扮演一个重要角色,美化人的生活,和特别是,它严密地联络东部和西部文化、企业、商品和消费者。

商标作为产品信息的载体,在进行产品宣传营销的过程中,起着至关重要的作用。如何成功地进入外国市场,达到占领新的目标市场的目的,商标词的翻译则更为关键。英语商标词翻译并不仅仅是字面意义上的对应转换,更重要的是实现其联想意义的装换以求达到语用等效,从而使读者获得更好的感觉,以激发他们的购买欲。本文结合尤金·奈德(Eugene A.Nida)的形式对等和动态对等翻译理论,具体讨论了英语商标词的翻译对策,并阐述作者观点,即商标词翻译是一种“动态对应交际”,使目的语被目标市场接受,像被消费者接受一样,成功地发挥商标词的语用功能。

从文化差异的角度,来讨论商标翻译的不同类型、翻译原则,介绍几种商标翻译方法和讨论因文化的差异导致的错误现象。 关 键 词 商标; 文化差异; 翻译原则; 翻译方法; 英语商标词 语用翻译 Abstract With the highly developing of commodity economy and international trade, the translation of trademarks becomes increasingly important and influential in the economic life. In a competitive market, the trademark of a product is one of the key factors for a company to achieve success. It determines the image, credit and economic power of a company. A successful trademark plays a noticeable role in developing the international market and creating the enterprise wealth. From the perspective of cultural differences, this article attempts to outline the word origin and the characteristic of trademarks as well as the translation principle, introduce several kinds of trademark translation methods, and meanwhile discusses the phenomenon of cultural error in trademark translation. Eugene A.Nida as the complementary theories to support pragmatic translation and discuss in detail the translating strategies of English brand names. The author holds that the translation of brand names is a kind of “dynamic corresponding communication”, which aims at making translated band names accepted the target market as original rand names are accepted by the consumers in the original language and realizing the pragmatic functions of brand names successfully. Key words trademark; cultural difference; translation strategies; pragmatic translation 谢谢采纳


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