
商标翻译的发展史最好要英文的还有the translation of the

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电子商务发展史]中国电子商务协会IECE首家【国家认证SEO工程师考试中心】利为汇SEO培训 创始人:蒋晖、陈辉民(可以查他们的介绍) 14人实战派讲师团,终身培训制度。 培训课程内容: 1、 通过学习SE...+阅读

Patents, trademarks, and copyrights have an extensive history dating as far back as 5,000 years ago when the Neolithic man marked cave walls to show that he owned the cave. These marks are the predecessor to today's trademarks. Inventors, authors, and others who develop ideas and inventions that have potential commercial value petitioned lawmakers over time to enact regulations that classified their ideas and inventions as assets. Those regulations are known as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. The differences among patents, copyrights, and trademarks can be confusing. A patent grants an inventor sole rights to a new idea, new method, or new process. A copyright grants authors, musicians, and artists the exclusive rights to publish and sell literary, musical, or artistic works. Copyrights cover artistic, dramatic, musical, literary, and other scholarly works—both published and unpublished. A trademark is a word, phrase, slogan, design, or symbol that is used to identify merchandise and is used to distinguish merchandise from competing products. Trademarks indicate the source of a product (i.e., brand names). A trademark was the first way a tradesman identified his goods and services. Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and the Chinese used these markings to identify the maker of a product so that a buyer would know the workmanship of the goods or services that he or she was buying. One of the first trademark laws was The Bakers Marking Law passed in England in 1266 under the reign of King Henry III. The Bakers Marking Law required bread makers to mark their work with either pinpricks or stamps. Nearly a century later in 1363, silversmiths were required to mark their products as well. Soon after, bottle makers and porcelain manufacturers were also obligated to mark their products. Nearly four centuries after The Bankers Marking Law was enacted, one of the first cases of a trademark infringement appeared before the courts in England. A trademark infringement is an action of another that violates the trademark of a trademark holder. In the 1618 case, a company that made a lower-quality cloth tried to pass their product off as their higher-quality competitor's in the marketplace through the use of their markings.


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