

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

less形容词 adj. 1.较少的, 更少的 (与不可数名词连用) The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year. 公司的资金和人员都比去年少了。 He has less money than ever. 他从来没有过这样少的钱。 I received less money than the others did. 我比别人收到的钱少。 The doctor advises me to eat less meat. 医生劝我少吃肉。 Statistics show that people now drink less beer than they used to, and smoke fewer cigarettes. 统计数字表明, 人们现在比过去喝啤酒少了, 而且烟抽也少了。

I love the country, but I have less opportunity of seeing it. 我热爱乡村, 但我几乎没有机会见到它。 Less people go to church than before. 上教堂的人比以前少些。 Less noise, please! 请不要大声吵闹! It cost less money than I expected. 它比我预料的要便宜。 The movie had less success than expected. 影片没有获得预期的成功。 We got there in less than four hours. 我们用了不到4个小时就到了那里。

Less people study Latin today than formerly. 现在学习拉丁语的人比以前少。 Nothing in this shop is less than £10. 这家商店的东西没有低于10英镑的。 2.(级别、地位、尊严等)较低的,较劣的;较次要的 副词 adv. 1.较少, 较小,更少地, 少,没那么多 Let's speak less and listen more. 咱们少讲多听吧。 I read much less now than I did at school. 我现在看书远比我上学时少。

With their children growing up, these mothers have become less involved with their families. 随着孩子长大成人, 这些母亲受家庭拖累就少些。 He was less known than his brother. 他不如他哥哥出名。 I hope the next train will be less crowded than this one. 我希望下趟火车不会像这趟这么挤。 I was less surprised as I had had this sort of experience. 因为我有过这样的经验, 所以并不感到怎么惊奇。

Try and speak less indistinctly. 想法子说得清楚些。 Tomatoes are everywhere in summer but less so in winter. 夏天到处都有西红柿, 冬天却不是这样。 2.[常用在much 或 less后面]更不,非常肯定地不 介词 prep. 1.减去,扣除 代词 pron. 1.(与不可数名词连用)较少的,更少的 名词 n. 1.较少;更少;更小 2.次要的东西(或事情) more 副词 adv. 1.更, 更加 She read the letter more carefully the second time. 她第二次看信时更仔细了。

He is the more diligent of the two boys. 他是这两个男孩中较用功的一个。 2.(程度上)更强,更多 3.[用来构成多数两音节以上副词或形容词的比较级]更,更大程度地;更大范围内 4.而且 5.另外;再;此外;倒;倒不如说,进一步地 形容词 adj. 1.更多的 His behaviour did more harm than good to himself. 他的行为对他自己害多利少。 2.更大的,较大的;较多的;更重要的,更大程度的 3.另外的,附加的;进一步的 代词 pron. 1.更多的量 More of the land is planted to cabbages than to tomatoes. 种白菜的地比种西红柿的多。

2.(数、量等)更多的,更大的 暂无词性 1.many的变形 2.many和much的比较级,最高级 most 名词 n. 1.[单数复数同]更大的数量;较大程度 2.额外的数目,另外的一些;附加的东西;另外的事 3.[用作复数]更多的人,可数的事物 4.更重要的事情
