
要一篇英语演讲稿小学英语 3 5分钟的

12月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学英语短篇演讲稿]still remember the Tatinic,though it's a big ship but it still sunk,so ,in my opinion ,the best ship is the friendship. Everyone needs friends baceuse there are...+阅读

A wolf once met a donkey on the road outside the village. "I 'm going to eat you up, "said the wolf . "Certainly, " replied the donkey, thinking fast. "But please don't eat me out here on the road where everyone can see. I shall be so ashamed . Take me into the forest. Don't be afraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle. Then I will lead you to a quiet spot I know." The wolf thought this was a good idea so he fastened the rope round his neck and knotted it firmly to the donkey's bridle. "Now I will go wherever you say, " said the donkey. "Show me the way to your quiet spot , " ordered the wolf. "Very well," said the donkey, setting off down the road towards the village. As they came to the first houses the wolf began to suspect that he had been tricked. "This is not the way to the forest, " he said, tugging at his end of the rope. "This road goes to the village." "Don't worry," said the donkey cheerfully , "This is a short cut. " The donkey began to trot faster , then to gallop. The rope round the wolf's neck drew tight; in a very short time he was dragged right up to the donkey's door. The master, his wife and their three sons all came running out to rescue the donkey . They were so angry that they would have killed the wolf there and then. Fortunately for the wolf , however , one of the sons threw a knife at him. The knife missed , but it cut the rope round his neck. The next moment all the family could see was a cloud of dust in the road as the wolf fled to safety in the dark forest. If you keep your head you will be all right. 狼和驴 有一回,狼在村外的路上碰见驴。 "我要把你吃掉。"狼说。 "当然可以,"驴灵机一动,回答说,"但请不要在这条路上吃,人人都会看见的, 我会感到难为情。把我带到森林里去吧。别担心我们会逃跑。喏, 把这根绳子一头饶在你脖子上,一头拴在我的缰绳上,然后我把你带到一个我熟悉的安静的地方去。" 狼认为这是个好主意,于是把绳子饶在脖子上,把另一头牢牢系在驴缰绳上。 "现在你说到什么地方去,我就到什么地方去。"驴说。 "带我到你说的那个安静的地方去。"狼吩咐道。 "很好。"驴说着,就沿通向村子的路走去。他们来到头几所房子附近时,狼怀疑自己受骗上当了。 "这不是到森林去的路,"他使劲拉绳子的一头说, "这条路是到村子里去的。" "别着急,"驴高兴地说, "这是一条近路。" 驴加快了步子,接着跑起来。套在狼脖子上的绳子抽紧了;一会儿功夫,就把狼拉到驴的家门口。 驴的主人、主人的妻子和三个儿子都跑出来救驴。他们非常生气,要立即就地把狼打死。不过,狼很幸运,主人的一个儿子拿刀砍狼,没砍着,却把套在狼脖子上的绳子砍断了。转眼之间,这一家子看到路上尘土飞扬,狼安然逃向黑暗的树林里去了。 保持镇静,就没问题。


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